Posted May 9th, 2019

​A Chinese teacher came to visit on Thursday; she is called Pei Tingting. We called her Miss Pei. We played a game with a panda toy – when we had hold of the panda we had to say,”Ni hao Miss Pei.”
Then Miss Pei showed us how to use chopsticks. Steven said,”It was really hard!”
In China there are twelve zodiac signs; Miss Pei shared the story of how they became. Amelia-Grace remembered, ”The mouse, cat and ox worked together.” Rachel remembered that the pig was last. We used a chart to find our signs from when we were born.
After that we learned to count to 5 in Chinese; there are hand signals too. “It is ling, er, san,” said Ned.
Miss Pei stayed for the afternoon and joined in fun in our Chinese restaurant role play, making panda masks, practising writing Chinese symbols and a little Tai Chi.
We had a super afternoon developing our knowledge of China.