Posted November 6th, 2019

Our annual Harvest Festival took place on Wednesday October 16th.  The theme this year was ‘Autumn’ and all year groups chose an aspect of this linked to the season of Harvest, which was celebrated by the whole school.   Our Head Boy and Girl introduced the Assembly and were the ‘comperes’ throughout.
From the week before our celebration, families from Reid Street sent in produce with their children, which was collected and displayed on the day, ready to hand over to the King’s Church Food Bank for distribution. On the morning of our Harvest Assembly, many children of all ages were able to bring their produce into our hall and help arrange ready for our celebration.
During the Harvest Assembly, the following themes were performed:
Year 1: the Weather in Autumn.
Year 5:  Autumn – the season of Harvest.
Reception:  Colours of Autumn.
Year 4: Autumn Poetry.
Year 2: Autumn artists.
Y3: Harvest song.
Year 6: Changing the clocks; getting darker; feelings about Autumn.
Songs were sung by Key Stage 1: ‘Getting Busy’ and by Key Stage 2: ‘Thank You Lord’.
Jamie from the King’s Church told us about the work carried out at the Food Bank and we discovered that of the population in Darlington(106,000) over 70,000 meals were distributed last year to those in need. A daily meal and some breakfast foodstuffs were given to each person requiring it.
Our Harvest Assembly closed with a prayer from the King’s Church and with our Head Boy and Girl beginning our school prayer.
The Harvest collection was bagged up by Year 5 in a flurry of activity and packed into the King’s Church van ready to be used from their premises.