Posted November 22nd, 2018

On Thursday 22nd November, Reid Street Primary school were invited to the AGM (Annual General Meeting) for St. Teresa’s Hospice. We were asked to attend to receive a certificate for our charity fundraising and the contribution we made from our PIE challenge winnings.
Heidi (Head Girl) and Liam (Head Boy) attended the important meeting with Mrs Ayto (Head of school) and Mrs Davison (Head of KS2) at the Blackwell Grange Hotel. It was incredible to see how many people were there – I’d estimate about 100 people.
When the rewards part came, we were one of the first to be called out! We raised just over £3000 for the local hospice.
Everyone applauded our fabulous total and the people who worked at St. Teresa’s were thrilled. We listened to a speech about Seven Summit Steve’s work just before we received our wonderful award. The Northern Echo even took our picture with the award before we left.
We are very grateful for the amazing certificate we have received and we will continue to support the local hospice.

​Heidi and Liam