Posted July 5th, 2018

​Nearly 30 children from year 4 took part in the annual Darlington Community Games event on Thursday 5th July at Eastbourne Sports Complex. The event involved the children splitting into teams and competing in three different sports – cricket, tag-rugby and athletics. On arrival, the children were each handed a Community Games t-shirt. The children then took part in a collective warm up and were introduced to Craig Heap – an Olympic gymnast. Once the opening ceremony was complete, the children were separated into their groups and took part in games and skill sessions at their allocated event. Craig Heap spent time with all of the children and they had the opportunity to have their t-shirt signed by him. During the closing ceremony, awards were handed out for the key Olympic values. Reid Street was awarded the Respect award, which now proudly stands in our trophy cabinet. The children had a fabulous time and developed their skill set which is their first step in the School Games competition calendar for year 5 and 6.