Posted June 28th, 2018

It seems not that long ago, that we were all auditioning for this amazing production. We had to go to all the lunchtime rehearsals: they were really fun! A few months later, we found out our parts. Rehearsals were more often and more serious. Soon, the talented Mrs Fawcett, started making the costumes from all the cast. A very big THANK YOU! Weeks later, the rehearsals intensified and we were out all day. Before we knew it, dress rehearsals began; this put us all in character. Finally the big day came! We were all so nervous backstage. All the teachers calmed us down. When it was our turn, we all did our very best and blew the audience away. Everyone remembered their lines, the singing was in tune and the acting was spot on! We had some fantastic help from Mr Parkinson (who created the scenery) and the team from the Forum, who helped with the sound and lights. We wouldn’t have been able to do this without the two teachers that put this together, Mrs Rimmer and Mrs Farthing! Thank you!! We are sure, you will see some of us on the stage or TV one day. Keep an eye out!