Posted October 24th, 2019

​In Year 2, we have been learning about parts of our body. We reminded the children of the different ways our body can tell us that we are in danger.  Children said that they might feel sick, get goose bumps, shake or their heart might beat faster.  They also talked about needing to scream or cry.
Moyo “You might feel uneasy if you were in your house in the dark.”
Darryl “You might feel worried and uneasy if someone tried to hurt you.”
Toby “When Miss Peverell was in the dark and she thought someone was in her house, she felt her heart was beating like a drum. She got goose bumps. It was only her cat though.”
Alice “I might feel uneasy if I was on my own.”
Clara “Sirens and alarms are signs of danger. They make me feel uneasy.”
​Next we shared their ideas about what secrets were.  A shared definition was that a secret was something somebody had told you but said that you couldn’t tell anybody else.  Pupils recognised that some secrets were not good.  They confidently sorted and talked about which secrets were good/bad and why. They knew that they should not keep secrets, only surprises.  We talked about surprises only being a secret of a little while.  All pupils talked confidently about this subject.  They knew what to do if they had been asked to keep a bad secret and they knew who they could talk to.
Clara “A secret is something that is just for you and you don’t want anyone to know.”
Ivy “It is better to tell someone if you don’t like the secret and then they can help you.”