Posted September 27th, 2019

​Today we thought about Global Goal number 1 – No Poverty. We have been learning about some of the different people who live in London. Many people have lots of money. We thought about what we might choose if we were millionaires. 
​Then we found out about some people including children, who do not have a home.
We talked about why people might become homeless and looked at a video where child refugees talked about what it was like to be homeless. We compared what we have, to what a homeless person might need. We thought about what we need to survive and talked about how important it is for homeless people to be recognised and acknowledged. 
​Sebei “Homeless people have to sleep in a road or shelter because they haven’t got a house.  You can give a homeless person money to buy food.”
Freya “We can try to help the children get a house so they can be safe.”
Isla “It is important to say hello or smile at a homeless person not ignore them”