Posted October 22nd, 2019

Today, we had a visit from the school nurse who gave us information about looking after our teeth and why we need to take care of them. 
We were all amazing at answering questions about the names of our teeth and their jobs within the mouth.  We learnt a rhyme to help us think about cleaning our teeth which is ‘outside, inside, bumpy and flick’.
Next, we looked at different products and had to predict how much sugar, in teaspoons, was in each of these.

Lucozade = 12 teaspoons
Mars Bar = 8 ½ teaspoons
Coke 7 ½ teaspoons
Packet of Polos = 7 ½ teaspoons
A tin of baked beans = 5 teaspoons
One tablespoon of tomato sauce = 1 ½ teaspoons

​Wow! We were amazed by some of these results.
I wonder if anyone can remember the recommendation of how many teaspoons of added sugar children our age should have per day?

​Finally, we finished the afternoon making toothpaste in our Science lesson.  We talked about the necessary properties to include and then made our toothpaste in groups.  We then tested different types of toothpastes to decide which was the most effective.