Posted March 29th, 2019

​Year 4 spent time thinking about how having a disability might affect their lives. We learned that a disability can be a physical or a mental condition.
A person with a disability can be limited in terms of their movement, senses or activities. Sometimes disabilities are hidden. This means that you might not be able to tell that somebody has a disability just by looking at them. After watching Theo’s story, we all realised that disabled people might look different, act differently or just might not be able to do things as well or as quickly. However, they are still people, just like you and I. We all now know that disabled people want to be treated with the same respect as everybody else and they should be treated with the same respect as everybody else.
This time we focussed on visual impairment; this means someone has lost some or all of their sight. Year 4 children took part in an assault course blindfolded (with string) and tried to play cricket using balls with bells inside and again blindfolded.