Posted March 6th, 2019

​On Wednesday 6th March, Year 4 children walked to St Matthew’s and St. Luke’s church to learn about Ash Wednesday and Lent. George thought the trip was really good as he learned lots of information about Lent. Bruce learnt that the purple cloths in the Church meant a time of preparing. I don’t think any of us knew that information.
Reverend Lissa Scott showed us lots of artefacts linked to this time of year in the church. Many of us didn’t know that the ashes that are put on people’s heads on Ash Wednesday were last year’s palm crosses which were burned.
 Matthew said, “I loved learning lots of information about Ash Wednesday and Lent. Reverend Scott was incredibly knowledgeable.”
Olivia Said, “I didn’t realise that some Christians count all the Sunday in Lent and others don’t when they are giving up something.”
She also told us the Easter story which many of us already knew. However, we were allowed to asked questions and to explore the church which we all thoroughly enjoyed. We also got juice and biscuits which was a really kind gesture.