Posted October 14th, 2019

​Some members of Darlington’s Rotary Club came into school to meet the Pupil Voice children.  The people we met are in charge of Darlington Rotary Club. We will be working with the President and the community leader Nigel and Kevin who are on the photograph. We all talked about how we can help improve the environment.
They told us about the roles we could apply for. We will need for Rota Kids: The President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The President is someone who is in charge of everything. For example, they organise the meetings and will have to be confident because they will do a lot of talking in front of the whole school. The Vice President is the deputy and you are second in command and you take notes and create the agenda.
Last but not least -The Treasurer! The Treasurer is in charge of the money – you control all of it. You are the finance manager. They also collect the money for the charities.
Everyone who wants to be a leading role can apply for the position and must complete an application form.
Charities so far!
We also talked about collecting the crisp packets and what we’re going to do with them. We are going to send these to the Air Ambulance in Kent, where they going to make blankets out of the crisp packets. So, we need you to collect crisp packets and bring them into school to support us.
Next, we have discussed about sending glasses over sea to countries that don’t have a lot of money and need glasses for reading and to see. Out of the 20, 6 of us wear glasses including Mrs Davison.
We are very excited with our new roles.
Will B Y6