Beamish Crank It Up Challenge

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Congratulations to Reid Street Primary School who won today’s #Beamishcrankitup challenge! Well done to the whole team for all your effort. Plus in school support from a @durham_uni Physics Graduate.

Aspirations Week 2017

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Just before the half term, we held our first ever Aspirations Week – and what a week it was! We had visitors from many different walks of life who came into school to talk to pupils about a wide range of different career options. They brought with them fun activities which helped pupils to understand… Read more »

Armed Forces Day

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On Monday 20th June, Reid Street pupils joined The Worshipful the Mayor (Elect) Councillor Brian Jones to show our support and ‘#SaluteOurForces’ for all they do. We have several pupils with family members who have been, or are currently, in the armed forces. We enjoyed the procession from the Town Hall to the Market Square… Read more »

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

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On Friday 27th May we held a fantastic celebration for the Queen’s 90th birthday. Staff and pupils came dressed in their finest clothes and participated in a range of fun, themed activities such as cake decorating, sandwich making (cucumber of course), games such as ‘pin the tail on the corgi’ and a whole host of other exciting… Read more »

Reid Street raises the roof!

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Reid Street recently took part in the Darlington Schools Eurovision Contest hosted by Darlington Civic Theatre. Our wonderful choir sung the 2009 Norweigan entry, Fairytale to great applaud! Here are some pictures of our wonderful children who sang beautifully and were a real credit to Reid Street School.