Posted June 17th, 2019

On Friday 14th June, we had some visitors from Barclays Bank who taught us the 7 steps of coding. 15 children from Year 5 and Year 4 were chosen to complete the workshop. We discussed how televisions and computers have changed from the 1950s for the better. We also learned how jobs were changing and programming for many children would be their profession in the future.
 We then went into the IT suite and used the game designing app called Scratch. We all had little missions to complete and we had to design and create our own character. Once we had done this we then followed the 7 steps of coding and created our own game. It was great fun! Part way through the lesson, Jenny Chapman (MP for Darlington) came into the lesson to see what we were doing and creating. She was really interested in this. She talked to the children and staff about the programmer and asked many questions. She did say Reid Street was her favourite school in Darlington.
 “I really enjoyed the morning and I now want to be a game designer or computer programmer!” Quincy Y4.
Hamish Y5 said, “The coding was excellent because I enjoyed the final result- making my game work!”