Posted June 13th, 2018

This year, pupils have been involved in a completely different charity event.   Back in February, Steve Graham (mountaineer and local businessman) and a representative from St Teresa’s Hospice delivered an assembly which told the children about Steve’s up and coming challenge to climb Mount Everest.  Steve was hoping to raise as much money as possible for St Teresa’s Hospice and wanted our help in doing so.  To support our local charity we have currently had two successful events. 
For the first event, pupils in Year 6 (with the help of the Chair of Governors) calculated how many kilometres it would take to climb from Basecamp to the summit of Everest.  This was then divided by the number of pupils in the school – giving each pupil a distance that they would need to walk so that we as a school could achieve the total distance when combined.  Despite the poor weather, pupils and staff completed the task and ended the event with a climb across the traversing wall.   Parents and families sponsored the children for this event and a staggering amount of well over £1,000 was raised.  A fund-raiser from St Teresa’s Hospice attended and pupils’ efforts were recognised in the local paper.
The latest event saw pupils coming to school in their sports/walking clothes wearing a bobble hat for a donation.  On this day pupils had two challenges to complete.  Sporting equipment was used to recreate the route from Basecamp to the summit of Mount Everest.  Each pupil had to complete the obstacle course.  The second challenge linked to role of the Sherpa people, where pupils we required to work as a team to transport heavy rucksacks from one part of the school to another.  Throughout the day pupils learnt about the challenges linked to climbing Everest and how these impact on the local community.  The most important learning was about the Sherpa people who support those climbing Everest – this was also linked to our Global Goals learning.   This event boosted fundraising to over £2,000 in total.
All pupils had the opportunity to take part in an additional event linked to Everest at Easter.  We asked pupils to create a decorated egg linked to Everest and Nepal.  The competition entries were amazing and the winning entries received Easter Eggs.  
On the 18th May Steve Summited Everest and our school logo was on top of the world. He is back home safely and we continue with our fund-raising efforts.