Posted November 20th, 2019

​On Wednesday 23 rd   October we learnt about staying safe around fire. The lady who came in told us that fire can be very dangerous when children are near it. We learnt that children that are 10 or older can have a criminal record if they are involved in a small or big fire even if they did not light it.
We watched a little clip about a group of children who got bored and decided to light a fire but when the child came home, the fire had spread into the house. It was lucky that the fire crew had reached the situation and rescued his parents. Unfortunately, the child’s beloved dog had sadly died.
This taught us that whatever happens, even if we get bored, that we should never start a fire or say to light one because it could end in a dangerous way and we could lose someone or something we love. This made us more aware about fire and reminded us that we should never play with fire, lighters or matches.
The lady said that if we ever see somebody about to light a fire when it is unnecessary that we should tell an adult or a carer who is capable of knowing what to do next urgently. If there was no adult about we should tell them not to do it because it could have disastrous consequences or the person who lit the fire could have serious injuries or even die.
This assembly taught us how to be safe near fire and that we should thank and respect our fire crew.