Posted July 11th, 2018

​On Thursday 12th July the Reid Street PIE Team travelled to Newcastle for the Grand Final of ‘The Big PIE Challenge’. We were asked to prepare a short 3 slide presentation about our product and our journey through Stage 2 of the Challenge. The children blew us away with their confidence and ability to speak in front of an audience of peers and adults. We had 3 products which we promoted; our website –, Prayer Flags and ice pops. Our main product, which was our website, raised £1735 profit, the Prayer Flags raised £221.50 profit and the ice pops raised £118.85 profit. At ‘close of business’ on 30.06.18 our total profit was a staggering £2075.35. We have had more companies wanting to advertise since and the grand total now stands at £2165.35
After a nerve-wracking lunch break the winners were announced. Third, second then first place… Reid Street Primary School! We received a huge trophy and a cheque for £5000. This experience has taught us creative thinking, problem solving, communication, negotiation and persuasiveness skills and has raised our confidence and self-esteem. As a team we are so proud of our achievement and being awarded the title of Most Enterprising School in the North East.