Posted July 6th, 2018

As well as selling advertising space for our website, we set up a side-line to our business. We linked our new business to the Darlington Carnival. Pupils involved in the carnival created prayer flags – based on the ones you will no doubt have seen on the many photographs of Everest. We decided to create and sell prayer flags/wishes to all pupils and members of the public at the carnival. For 50p each person got a personalised message and the prayer flag formed part of our Reid Street Carnival ‘float’. People were keen to support our Big PIE challenge and help us in raising more money in order to win the £5000 prize money – £1000 of which we will donate to St Teresa’s.  We raised £229.00 and only spent £7.50 on a pack of coloured paper. The profit was £221.50. 

Our third business venture was Melissa’s idea. Originally, she wanted to bake and sell cakes but the general manager (Alfie) suggested we cash in on the hot weather and sell ice pops to pupils in school. After all, Duncan Bannatyne started with an ice cream van! From that we managed to raise £146.85 and, as the 500 ice pops only cost £28.00 to buy, we made £118.85 profit.