Posted July 1st, 2018

As a reward for coming second in the Eurovision contest this year, Reid Street were asked to participate in the Proms in the Park event. The children learned a selection of songs from ‘Oliver’ as well as performing the well-known ‘Jerusalem’ and ‘Land of Hope and Glory’. Children sang with Mowden Primary School accompanied by The Royal Signals Brass Band. The event was witnessed by over 3000 people and it was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. The choir performed beautifully and we were a credit to the school. Marion Ogle, the Town Centre Partnership and Events Manager passed on her thanks to the children: ‘On behalf of the organisers I would like to thank you all very much for participating in yesterday’s hugely successful Proms in the Park .
Ivor whom retired after yesterday’s performance has always wanted a school choir and he was over the moon with your exceptional performance of Oliver, please pass this onto the children from us all. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did.’