Posted January 6th, 2020

As always on ‘Children in Need’ day, our whole school dressed up with spots and Pudsey clothing for charity. We brought in donations to raise money for Children in Need to send off to the less fortunate. Altogether, we collected £313 across the whole school to donate.
Last term, we (Reid Street Rota Kids) have been encouraging the children (and adults) to donate old pairs of glasses to the school. We have been doing this for a charity named Vision Aid Overseas. This charity helps children around the world who don’t have access to spectacles help them to see and gain glasses. Many of our pupils collected and donated old glasses. We gained a total of 65 spectacles to send off oversea. Check out their website for more information.
​We have been and will continue to collect crisps packets for the air ambulance. Our empty crisp packets might not mean much to us, but they’re worth a whole lot to the air ambulance. The used crisp packets are turned into hypothermia blankets which help them save lives. It is surprising how many crisp packets we collect daily in school.
By Y5 and Y6 Pupil Voice Rotary Kids.