Posted March 28th, 2018

On the morning of the Big PIE (Primary Inspiration through Enterprise) Challenge, the pupils participated in two activities – one engineering based and the other coding. We were lucky to have two engineers assisting us.  With the help of Lt Col Andy Black, who works at Catterick Garrison in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and Mr. Alley – the chair of governors, we successfully attempted the tasks set.
For the engineering activity, the pupils were required to build a small toy plane and then had to measure the distance the plane flew.  

​The children completed the coding task on a website called Coding Combat. During this, the children played a game which required the use of coding to get through each level. The challenge was to see how far each pupil could progress within the game in 30 minutes. Many children completed the levels and prizes were awarded.

Team work, creativity, resilience and perseverance were needed to complete the tasks and all children excelled at this.
“Students showed real qualities of success, determination, creativity and teamwork. It was a pleasure supporting the Big Pie Challenge and working with so many wonderful students at Reid Street.”
Lt Col Andy Black REME