Posted February 20th, 2018

During the Autumn term Year 3 children have been learning how to play Mini Tennis as part of the P.E. curriculum. We made sure that our children had the best introduction to the game using a dedicated tennis coach from our local area. We took a team of eight children to a local cluster Tennis Challenge competition sponsered by the Tony Blair Sports Foundation held at the Wyvern Academy in Darlington and our team were the winners! Following on from our success we represented our cluster at the Darlington finals again held at the Wyvern Academy on Tuesday 20th February. All our hard work and practice paid off and we held our own against the best teams from St Augustine’s, Hurworth and Northwood beating all the competition and were the winning school. This meant that our team will now represent Darlington in June in the Regional finals to be held in Teesside. Our successful team will play the best schools from Middlesbrough, Hartlepool and  Stockton.