Posted December 10th, 2018

​Year 4 are learning about Christmas around the world. To start the topic we visited Waterstones to learn about how Christmas is celebrated in many different countries. We found out many interesting facts about different countries and learnt how to say Merry Christmas in 8 different languages!
Do you know Christmas dinner in Jamaica is barbecued goat, in Mexico children go knocking on doors for treats and presents and in Holland children leave clogs outside their homes to be filled with presents?
Steve (from Waterstones) also read us a fabulous Christmas story called Mince Spies. We all felt sorry for the brussel sprouts as they believed they were no-ones favourite Christmas food. However, it turned out that Santa Claus loves brussel sprouts.
We also completed a trial around the Cornmill shopping centre we had questions to answer about different objects in the shop windows for sale and we had lots of maths questions to solve too.