Posted October 3rd, 2018

​On Wednesday 3rd October 2018, we visited the Head of Steam Museum in Darlington. We all went as a year group, 4D and 4S, Mrs Stephenson, Miss Dunn, Mrs Davison and Mrs Rimmer. The purpose of our visit was to view our fabulous art work that was displayed in the museum for a celebration event of the 193rd anniversary of the railway. We met Sarah at the entrance of the museum and then we sat down in front of the famous Locomotion No.1 train and she talked to us about George Stephenson and the Locomotion. We also visited because our topic is all about Inventions and we wanted to learn more about George Stephenson and his influence on Darlington. The teachers gave out paper and pencils and we all set off and drew a famous invention from the museum, took them back to school and researched each invention. We had so much fun!