Posted March 26th, 2019

​As part of our Natural Disasters topic, Year 4 made model volcanoes out of mod-roc (plaster of Paris). It was great fun creating these and we all worked well as a team. The cleaning up took forever!
After designing, creating, making and painting our mod-roc volcanoes, we headed out onto the KS2 yard for the major eruptions. Using bicarbonate of soda (alkaline) and vinegar (acid) our dormant volcanoes became active! This was because of the scientific, chemical reaction.
 “It was the best lesson ever!” Jack M said.
 He loved creating the explosion and watching the lava erupt from the magma chamber and flow down the bumpy volcano.
Summer also enjoyed this lesson. She said, “When we saw our volcanoes erupt we all screamed at the top of our voices with excitement. We were pleased it was not real as we all would have been screaming in fear!”
Here are some photos of the amazing, volcanic event.