Posted September 20th, 2019

​To launch our new topic about the Ancient Greeks we competed in our own Olympic ceremony and events. The children learnt that the first games took place in 780 BC and were designed to keep Greek men fit for the intensity of war. Only men who spoke Greek were allowed to take part in the races. We also discovered that Men ran the races without any clothes on!
We didn’t follow these rules and we all wore our PE kits and the girls competed too. We took part in a pentathlon which is a special event that consisted of five different sports activities: wrestling, running, the long jump, disc throwing, and spear throwing! We participated in 4 of the events and left the wrestling out. . .
There were no medals like the gold, silver and bronze medals we have today. There was only one winner and he was given a wreath of olive leaves as a prize. These olive leaves were plucked from a sacred tree that was located at Olympia behind the temple dedicated to Zeus. We had a great afternoon and had winners for each event. Everyone enjoying trying out the different events.