Posted April 19th, 2018

​During the Spring Term, 14 children from 5R completed their cycling proficiency. We thoroughly enjoyed this experience and passed the 6 week course.
What happened during Level 1?
In Level 1 of this training, we completed some tasks that would show whether we could carry on to Level 2. During Level 1, the tasks we completed were: bike checks, helmet fittings, cycling across the yard that included emergency brake stops, looking at the colours the instructor flashed up while we were cycling and telling them the colour shown, weaving through cones, cycling on the inside of a cone circle and, as we did this, the circle minimized. Then all of the separate groups linked together and we cycled round a big circle of cones. At different points of this, we needed to leave the circle and then join back in at a safe point. We also, if it was safe to do so, gave one of our instructors a high five. Next, we moved onto level two of our training.
What happened during Level 2?
In Level 2 of cycle proficiency, we went out on the roads with our instructors. It was scary at first for some whilst others enjoyed all of it. Our Level 2 tasks included: bike checks, helmet checks, positioning of our bikes on the roads, overtaking parked cars, turning corners, U-turns, riding with our groups all together and performing looped U-turns.
We had a lot of fun completing our training and it will be very useful for the future! We hope 5D enjoy it as much as we did.
Thanks for reading our blog,
Daniel and Martha.