Posted April 23rd, 2018

We (the Year 5 Mini Police) went to the Denes play area on Monday 23rd April to pick up litter. This was part of our Mini Police programme.

​During the last seven weeks, we have learnt all about anti-social behaviour.  Anti-social behaviour comes in 3 parts – nuisance, personal and environmental. As a group, we had to do certain tasks to help the local community so we decided to collect litter and tidy up our local park. We all got ready with our litter pickers and high visibility vests and went down to the Dene to collect the litter, which is a major part of anti-social behaviour. You will be surprised it is not always the children who drop litter- adults do too!

We found a variety of things littering the Denes including: a sold sign from a house, a sweeping brush, empty cans and broken bottles as well as sweet wrappers and ice lolly packets. In one hour, we manage to fill six bin bags. We collected from the local streets on the way to the Denes and we were shocked by the amount of litter in our local community. We want people to pick up their own litter and we have asked the council for more bins.

After we had finished cleaning up the environment, we were allowed to play in the park. It was great fun! Mrs Davison was talking about forces but we just wanted to play!

Thanks for reading this from Reid Street Mini Police Officers.