Posted October 3rd, 2018

​As part of our topic this term, Year 5 pupils travelled back in time to experience what life was like in the Stone Age.  We met a friendly historian named Roy, who taught us lots of different things about how to survive in the Stone Age.  
We had to use ancient techniques to live like a Stone Age person such as:

  • Digging with old antlers to plant seeds, beans and peas.
  • Weaving a leather strap through bamboo sticks to build a teepee shelter. 
  • Rubbing a stick against a plank of wood to create a fire.
  • Grinding spelt seeds with a heavy rock to make flour.
  • Shaking cream to make butter.

We learnt that back in the Stone Age, they had to do EVERYTHING from scratch.  We had a fabulous time and learned lots of new things about surviving in the Stone Age!