Posted November 11th, 2019

​On Thursday 7th November, 3 children from year 6 attended the Life Centre in Newcastle to complete a range of different challenges involving maths. Firstly, we worked with a range of different children, from three different schools, to solve a range of mathematical problems. They were really tricky and involved a lot of thinking. During the session, as a group, we discussed the importance of making mistakes and learning from them to help develop different methods of solving a problem. After this, we spent time in the Planetarium learning about how to find different constellations and how we can use this information to help work out the time and the longitudinal and latitudinal lines to find a location. After lunch, we investigated the Space section of the centre, solving maths problems as we went. Finally, one of our favourite parts of the trip, was learning about different card tricks, using our mathematical knowledge.
The children behaved impeccably and were a credit to the school. A thoroughly enjoyable day.