Posted June 8th, 2018

​On Friday 8th June, 54 Year 6 children set off to Kingswood to begin their weekend adventure. Once we arrived, we were shown around the site, given delicious food to start our weekend off and were required to make our own beds! It was a very interesting time of the weekend. We completed a range of activities on our first day such as orienteering, climbing and archery. After this, we gobbled down more food before our evening entertainment of a campfire. During the campfire, we sang songs and told jokes before heading back to our dorms for the evening.
On the Saturday morning after breakfast, we completed another fantastic selection of activities. During Saturday and Sunday, we completed a range of challenges which included: 3G swing, zip wire, aeroball, nightline (where we got very muddy), obstacle challenge, fencing, shelter building and the leap of faith. On Saturday evening, after a mouth-watering dinner, we started our evening entertainment of Mini-Olympics, where children and staff got very competitive! Everyone had a fantastic time playing a range of games and taking part in competitions.
On our final day, after packing our cases, we finished off with breakfast and two more activities. After lunch, we loaded the coach and headed back to school.
Overall, a fantastic time was had by all children and staff. The children were very well behaved and a credit to the school. Well done, Year 6.