Posted November 11th, 2019

On Tuesday 5th November, Year 6 children attended an event in Newton Aycliffe called Safer Future Live. During the day, we learned how to keep safe in different environments and situations. In the fire safety session, we completed an interactive quiz about what to do in a fire and the importance of checking fire alarms weekly. We learned about the importance of keeping safe online, what information should be kept private and what we can do to help ourselves and others stay safe. With the lifeguards, we developed an understanding of how to stay safe around water, including what the flags mean at the beach, importance of floating if you end up in cold water and the role of the lifeguard. We became investigators in the road safety demonstration as we had to solve the cause of the accident and what we could do to avoid it happening to us. Northern Powergrid completed a workshop on the dangers of electricity in the home and at substations in the area. During the session, we learned about the importance of the yellow signs on the substations and what to do if a wire is frayed in the house. Our final workshop was from the NHS and it involved understanding the importance of staying safe at home and whilst out. We discussed the dangers faced in the home and developed an understanding of the warning signs which we may see in everyday life. We understand the importance of ensuring mobile phones are not left on charge overnight and especially not left under the pillow. Overall, we had a thoroughly enjoyable day and we learned a lot from a range of professionals.