Posted November 14th, 2018

Over the last half term, children in year 6 have been lucky enough to have additional science and art lessons with teachers from Wyvern Academy. This has been a fantastic experience for the children and has helped prepare them for their transitions to secondary school next year.
In art, children have studied various mediums and artists including Turner, Hokusai, Hockney and Monet. Children have been able to learn new skills to create pieces of work including water colours, sketching and observation drawings.
In Science, children have been able to experience more complex experiments including using microscopes, prisms and chemicals such as iodine and PH neutralising solution. Children have received a variety of lessons relating to physics, chemistry and biology.
All children have thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and they have behaved impeccably. They were a credit to Reid Street and we hope this has helped prepared them for their future education.