Posted May 21st, 2018

​On Monday 21st May, fourteen children from year 6 took part in the Votes for Women Centenary Celebration at the Hullabaloo Theatre, Darlington. We were one of only two primary schools to take part in the event.
On our arrival, we were greeted by Heather who escorted us to our first workshop. We climbed so many steps we felt as if we were taking part in our very own Everest challenge! During our first activity, we produced list poems and created posters of why we would make good Prime Ministers. Many of us had very different ideas.
Once this session was complete, we took part in an art session where we made rosettes – similar to those worn by the suffragettes.
Before we travelled back to school, we joined everyone in the theatre and two children, Maddie and Arabella, bravely explained to the packed audience what they had produced and why they would make great Prime Ministers.
We had a great afternoon!