Pupil Voice

Posted October 11th, 2019

​Every year, we appoint new Pupil Voice members and we do a vote for the Pupil Voice children in our classes. We work as a democracy at Reid Street.
In every class, we have an election and choose a boy and a girl for Pupil Voice.
The Pupil Voice members this year are:
Y2 Max, Grace, Grace and Ollie.
Y3 Max, Hannah, Redeemed and Scarlet.
Y4 Max, Holly, Amber and Callum.
Y5 Lily, Lewis, Olivia and Harry Lee.
Y6 Will, Jack, Elizabeth and Abbie.
We meet with Mrs Davison every Monday lunchtime. We decided our aim was to improve the environment and our school.
We decided to produce a questionnaire to ask the children what they wanted to improve.
 The questions we asked are:
 1. What can we do to help achieve the Global Goals by 2030?
2. What we can do at school to make it single use plastic free?
 3. How can we help save the environment, and reduce our carbon footprint?
4. If school supported a charity, what would you pick and why.
We are also going to become ROTA KIDS and are meeting with The President of the Darlington Rotary club.
 By Lewis Y5.

The Importance of the River Nile

Posted October 11th, 2019

​We have been learning all about the River Nile in Year 3. In our classes, we looked at the importance of the Nile for food, water and irrigation during the Ancient Egyptian times. Then, we worked in groups to build our own miniature River Niles using trays, foil, clay, sand, soil and grass seeds. After, we flooded our rivers. We hope our crops will grow!

World Mental Health Day

Posted October 11th, 2019

​As it was world mental health day, year 3 took part in the BBC Teach Live Lesson. It was all about our growth mind-set and wellbeing! We watched and joined in with schools all across the country. We learnt about describing things that positively and negatively affect our physical, mental and emotional health as well as describing times when we have felt good or not so good and learning to express them. We also explored the differences between a fixed mind-set and a growth mind-set and discussed how to challenge our thoughts so we think positively. We learnt a new calming technique to help us clear our minds and after the lesson we took part in mindfulness colouring and yoga!

Pudding Lane Bakery

Posted October 8th, 2019

​As part of our Great Fire of London topic, Year 2 have been working hard as bakers today. The fire was believed to have started in Thomas Farriner’s bakery on Pudding Lane.
To make our bread buns, first we had to measure out the ingredients carefully using scales. Next we mixed them all together and added the water. We then kneaded the dough and our hands got very messy but it was great fun. Then we left the dough to prove. We were amazed how much it had risen in such a short time. After that we shaped our dough into rolls and let them prove again before we baked them.
At home time we saw our baked bread rolls for the first time and the smell was amazing! We couldn’t wait to taste them!


Posted October 7th, 2019

The children listened carefully to the story of Supertato. They enjoyed designing and making their very own ‘Supertato’ character. They decided he needed a superhero house – they used their careful counting skills to count the blocks as they built. The children discovered ‘Supertato’ began with our new ‘s’ sound and loved practising to write ‘s’ in mashed potato. They then got messy in the paint as they explored printing patterns with potatoes.  

Learning Spellings

Posted October 4th, 2019

​We have been using lots of different ways to learn and remember our spellings. We found out how many times we could write them in a minute, we put them into spelling pattern circles, we wrote the words inside pictures and we have drawn pictures of what the words meant. We even learned silly phrases to help us remember them –
People = people eat omelettes, people love eggs.
The best bit was playing matching pairs with a friend.
Now we need to remember to use the correct spelling in our writing!

Let’s Play

Posted October 1st, 2019

​Today we had a special visitor in school, Mr Warren from the Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form. He told us about why he became a drummer. We talked about different ways to make sounds using percussion instruments. Then we followed the conductor’s instructions so we knew when to play. Everyone played four different instruments.
Finally we learned a rhythm for next week to try and remember…

Blank Number Lines

Posted September 27th, 2019

​Today we thought about where numbers would be found on a blank number line. First we looked at our ruler. We pointed to different numbers. Then we turned our ruler over and made our own number line on the back, thinking about where zero was. Next we made our own number line on whiteboards thinking about the middle number. We even placed numbers on the number line on the computer.
​Finally, as a class we made a number line to 100, using our metre rulers to help. Miss Peverell gave everyone a number and we had to place it in the right place on a giant blank number line. We helped each other, making sure the numbers were written correctly and were in the right place. Fantastic team work.

Homelessness in London

Posted September 27th, 2019

​Today we thought about Global Goal number 1 – No Poverty. We have been learning about some of the different people who live in London. Many people have lots of money. We thought about what we might choose if we were millionaires. 
​Then we found out about some people including children, who do not have a home.
We talked about why people might become homeless and looked at a video where child refugees talked about what it was like to be homeless. We compared what we have, to what a homeless person might need. We thought about what we need to survive and talked about how important it is for homeless people to be recognised and acknowledged. 
​Sebei “Homeless people have to sleep in a road or shelter because they haven’t got a house.  You can give a homeless person money to buy food.”
Freya “We can try to help the children get a house so they can be safe.”
Isla “It is important to say hello or smile at a homeless person not ignore them” 

Recyclable Robot – 25.09.19

Posted September 27th, 2019

​As it is Recycling Week, we decided to make a recyclable robot. We had a fantastic time working in pairs to design and create a robot out of recyclable materials.  The children helped one another and made some excellent robots in the literacy lesson. We also described the features of our robots and explained to the class how our robots work. To follow on from this, we will be writing instructions to explain how we made our robot.
Have a look at some of our marvellous robots: