Reid Street Sleepover!

Posted July 19th, 2019

Can you believe that 79 children fell asleep at school? We are pleased to say that it wasn’t the lessons that sent them to sleep but an organised sleepover.
The first sleepover in Reid Street’s 107 year history took place on Friday 5th July. Children from key stage 2 attended and the whole event was extremely successful. The Pie challenge children learned about the hospitality business and created their own Reid Street BnB raising £960!
Children began arriving at 5:30 pm with a vast array of sleeping equipment. Everyone was excited but some were a little nervous too.
At 6 pm, we all headed to Magic and Mayhem where the children thoroughly enjoyed some free time charging around the indoor play area. 

After returning to school at 8:30 pm, supper (toast, cookies and milk) were served. Everybody was in a great mood and incredibly excited. The teachers were wondering if anyone would sleep. After taking a vote for which movie we would watch, we went back to the hall where we sat with friends and watched The Emoji Movie. Some children fell asleep straight away! 

​The behaviour of the children was impeccable throughout the night and 90% of the children were fast asleep by 11:00 pm when the movie finished. 

The children began to wake around 6:00 am.  Then staff arrived to make breakfast so after some early morning team games on the yard we all enjoyed either a bacon or sausage sandwich. 

​The Pie challenge design team had created some review sheets and we were thrilled with our 4.5 out 5 star rating. Here are some of the comments:
Very nice place for a first time. The price of £12 is good because it included the soft play, a breakfast, supper and a movie. Damon
I thoroughly enjoyed it. The PIE Challenge have been planning it for ages and I think they pulled it off. I would definitely do it again. Olivia

Beamish Crank It Up Challenge

Posted July 18th, 2019

Congratulations to Reid Street Primary School who won today’s  challenge! Well done to the whole team for all your effort. Plus in school support from a Physics Graduate.

Year 4 Jorvik Trip

Posted July 18th, 2019

​This was a fabulous day and definitely one of the best school trips ever! We went on a train to York to visit an archeological dig and experience how Vikings lived. The train ride was so much better than a bus and after a quick ride and a dash through the shambles we were lucky enough to become archeologists for a day. We dug up artefacts from Roman, Viking and Victorian times. We even dug up part of a Victorian toilet! We were an instant tourist attraction eating our lunch in the middle of York before the main event, a ride around a reconstruction of a Viking village at the Jorvik Centre. The ride was very exciting and really brought to life what a Viking village smelt and looked like. We even saw a real piece of Viking poo! Finally, we were allowed to visit the ‘dreaded’ gift shop and came back on the train tired but happy with our mementoes and memories of a great day.

Year 4 Festival of Ingenuity

Posted July 18th, 2019

​ On the 12th July Year 4 went to an exciting event in Darlington Town Centre. As part of our science focus we were able to get an insight into how science is linked to different careers and businesses in our local area. We took part in making our own video on a blue screen, made windmills from K’nex, and had our fingerprints taken by the police. We also had hands on experience building stable structures and even learnt about the importance of bees in our environment. We managed to get 23 of us in a digger which was one of the funniest events ever. This trip was the final one of what has been an amazing year of experiences and one that we will never forget.

Boomwhacker Fun!

Posted July 17th, 2019

During this term Reception children have loved developing skills with ‘Boomwhackers’. Now we can play them in time, follow instructions and follow simple notation. The children can identify the high sounds from the short instruments and the low sounds from the long instruments. It is great fun for all and because there are so many ‘Boomwhackers’ everyone has a turn at the same time.

Thursday 11th July – Binchester Roman Fort

Posted July 16th, 2019

​Today, we visited Binchester Roman Fort. The Latin name for Binchester Fort is Vinovia. We had fun taking part in a range of different activities across the day. We watched archaeologists carrying out an archaeological dig, looked at ruins of the bath house and roads, tried on traditional Roman clothing, created mosaics, washed some artefacts, identified new artefacts in the sand, discovered games the Romans played in the bath houses, looked at tools used in the bath houses, read some Latin and created some Roman pottery. We looked carefully around the ruins for the Binchester Beast and eventually found it! It was one of the best days we have ever had in Year 3!

Thursday 4th July – Community Games

Posted July 9th, 2019

​On Thursday, we went to the annual Community Games. We travelled to Eastbourne Sports Complex, took part in a range of activities and enjoyed the sunshine. There were a variety of events. We took part in basketball, athletics, cricket and rugby. We enjoyed trying some new sports and working as a team.

Friday 5th July – International Day

Posted July 9th, 2019

​On Friday, the whole school took part in our annual International Day. We enjoyed dressing up in different culture’s clothing and performing our Brazilian dance for parents and the school. We discussed respect for different cultures and shared reasons why we chose our clothing for the day.

Monday 1st July – Design Technology – Making Sandwiches

Posted July 9th, 2019

​On Monday morning, we made healthy sandwiches. First, we talked about the five food groups and why it is important to have a balanced meal. Then, we looked at our sandwich designs and decided which ingredients belonged to each food group. Then, we washed our hands, tied hair up and put our aprons on. After that, we created our sandwiches. We used cutting, grating and spreading skills. We also played a sandwich filler game and designed stickers. Finally, we ate our sandwiches. They were delicious, yummy and healthy. 

Monday 8th July 2019 – Which tree do I belong to?

Posted July 9th, 2019

​Today in Year 1 we have been investigating leaves. Our challenge was to look at the leaves and sort them into matching piles. We looked carefully at the colours, shapes and patterns on the leaves to help us with this task. We also had to decide whether each group of leaves was from an evergreen or deciduous tree. Finally, our last challenge was to use the information key and pictures to try to work out the names of the trees. We are now tree experts!