Sleep over total

Posted July 5th, 2019

​On Friday, the figures needed to be in. We knew we had received lots of interest from businesses wanting to sponsor us (see the Sponsorship blog). It was our job to count the sleep over total.
We had collected lots of money over the two weeks as we were counting and checking totals all the time.
Jack, Tyler and Alfie had great fun counting all the money! We had over £900 as 76 children have paid. 
Alfie said, “It’s the most money I’ve ever counted.”
Jack said, “I can’t believe we have raised that amount as when the other school arranged a sleepover they only raised £450 but charged £15:00.”
Tyler who is the deputy finance manager said, “This is going to be amazing everyone is talking about it! We loved the movie night but this has raised nearly double the amount of that.” 

Pie Challenge Sleep over preparation

Posted July 5th, 2019

Over the last three weeks, we have been collecting money from the children who are coming to the sleep over. We have decided to run a hospitality business and have a massive sleepover. We have visited other schools in Darlington to find out about their sleep over and we even went to the local Mecure Hotel. 

Our design team created an invitation/ticket which everyone got with their receipt when they paid the £12:00. 

​Every day we collected the money and took it to the school office to keep in the safe and we gave out the envelopes with the children’s receipt and ticket.

Tees Valley Sports Games 20th June 2019

Posted July 5th, 2019

​Our successful Year 4 Mini Tennis team represented Darlington in the Tees Valley Tennis Finals. They played different winning teams from across the region and did amazingly well. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the day and even though we didn’t win our children made us so proud. One of our girls, who played No. 1, won all her matches. Brilliant sportsmanship and team effort all round.

Programmable Toys – Thursday 4th July

Posted July 5th, 2019

​The children pretended to be robots and gave each other directions to get from one place to another. They quickly realised that they needed to use the correct vocabulary or people would crash! They focused on the words: direction, forwards, backwards, left, right, turn, and sideways. They thought carefully and estimated the amount of steps they would need to take to get to the end place.
Next, the children worked as a team and used their knowledge to explore the programmable toys making them move to different places around the hall. 

Proms in the Park – Sunday 30th June

Posted July 4th, 2019

​Members of our Choir were invited to take part in Darlington’s annual Proms in the Park event alongside the winners and runners up from this year’s Mayor’s Singing Contest. Children performed a medley from Mary Poppins and participated in the finale of Rule Britannia, Jerusalem and Land of Hope and Glory. They performed alongside The Royal Signals (Northern) Band. The children were a credit to the school and sang with great enthusiasm. The event was a huge success and raised over £1600 which is used to support ABF The Soldiers’ Charity.

KS1 and KS2 Sports Day 21st June

Posted June 28th, 2019

​Well, what a fantastic day we had for our KS1 and KS2 Sports Day. The weather could not have been better. The children had slightly longer than usual on the field and managed to complete most of the activities. It was great to see the children laughing, enjoying themselves and being so supportive of each other. Thank you very much to all of the parents, friends and family members who came to support us.

Head of Steam Moon Exhibition

Posted June 27th, 2019

As part of year 5’s Earth, Sun and Moon topic in Science, we took part in three workshops at the Head of Steam.  We all became astronauts in training, preparing for a journey to the Moon.  The workshops were linked to fitness, building a shelter for an asteroid attack and finding evidence to decide if the Moon is made out of cheese or not.  A brilliant day, learning lots of new facts about Earth’s Moon and more! 

Year 5 Kwik Cricket Tournaments

Posted June 17th, 2019

On Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th May, two of our year 5 cricket teams competed in tournaments at Feethams and Darlington RA. The standard of cricket was particularly high and our children rose to the challenge. Over the course of the two days, our children displayed superb teamwork skills and have developed skills, which will help them in year 6. 

Primary Athletics

Posted June 17th, 2019

​We took a team of 27 children to Primary Athletics at Eastbourne Sports Complex on Tuesday the 4th of June. All children competed well and many participated in finals. Two of our children claimed first place in the Y5 Long Jump and Y6 Chest Push. These children will now represent Darlington in the Tees Valley Final on 19th June.  

Girls Cricket Tournament

Posted June 17th, 2019

​On Friday 24th May, Mr Bowes and Mrs Curtis took a team of Y6 girls to play in the Girls Cricket Tournament at Feethams Cricket Club. 12 teams from Darlington schools competed in this event. The girls won all their games in the morning and came 4th overall. The girls’ performance improved as the day progressed and they demonstrated great determination and perseverance. We look forward to competing in this event next year.