Year 6 Boys Cricket Tournament

Posted June 17th, 2019

On the 23rd May, Mrs Hancock and Mrs Curtis took a team of 10 boys to the Year 6 Kwik Cricket Tournament at the RA. Despite playing particularly well, the team came 2nd in the whole of the tournament and only lost by 4 runs. We are very proud of the boys and were particularly impressed with their sportsmanship attitude. 

Year 34 Quadkids

Posted June 17th, 2019

On the 7th May, we took two teams of 16 children from year 3 and 4 to compete in a Quadkids competition at Eastbourne Sports Complex.  The team did incredibly well and came second in the cluster and 4th overall in Darlington – a fantastic achievement. The children participated in many events such as howler, relay, 50m sprint, standing long jump and a 400m sprint. We are very pleased with our participants and their accomplishments.

Coding with Barclays Bank and meeting our MP

Posted June 17th, 2019

On Friday 14th June, we had some visitors from Barclays Bank who taught us the 7 steps of coding. 15 children from Year 5 and Year 4 were chosen to complete the workshop. We discussed how televisions and computers have changed from the 1950s for the better. We also learned how jobs were changing and programming for many children would be their profession in the future.
 We then went into the IT suite and used the game designing app called Scratch. We all had little missions to complete and we had to design and create our own character. Once we had done this we then followed the 7 steps of coding and created our own game. It was great fun! Part way through the lesson, Jenny Chapman (MP for Darlington) came into the lesson to see what we were doing and creating. She was really interested in this. She talked to the children and staff about the programmer and asked many questions. She did say Reid Street was her favourite school in Darlington.
 “I really enjoyed the morning and I now want to be a game designer or computer programmer!” Quincy Y4.
Hamish Y5 said, “The coding was excellent because I enjoyed the final result- making my game work!”

Year 4 PIE Group visit to the Mercure Hotel, Darlington

Posted June 14th, 2019

On the 12th June we the Year 4 PIE children visited the Mercure Hotel to see how a hospitality business was run. We got lots of ideas for our BnB venture from John Price General Manager and were able to look round a hotel room and see where banquets, events and most importantly breakfasts were served. As part of our business venture breakfasts would feature as a main priority.
Mr Price said,” Give your guests something memorable at the end of their visit and they will want to come back for more.” So we are thinking of things to give our residents.

Viking Boat

Posted June 11th, 2019

​Year 4 children got very creative with the help of local wood artist Jos Thompson. They helped her  create a fabulous Viking boat that they will use in their end of year assembly. As you can see a fun, messy time was had by all.

Sleepover research at High Coniscliffe School

Posted June 5th, 2019

On Monday 20th May, we (Jack, Sophia, Jayden and Amber) visited High Coniscliffe School to find out how they organise, arrange and carry out their magnificent sleepover. We met with their headteacher Mrs. Aitken who explained that they have had a sleepover for the previous three years. It has been a huge success and she raises lots money for playground equipment from this event. We asked her many questions including: how much did you charge? How much did you make from the event? What did you have to eat? Mrs. Aitken said that they charge £15 per child and this includes cookies and milk and bacon sandwiches for breakfast!
After speaking to the head teacher, we then interviewed five Y6 children who have been to all of the sleepovers. From the children we found out that they watched a PG movie that was The Secret Life Of Pets. They also played hide and seek in the dark but Mrs. Davison said, “That won’t be happening at our sleepover!” All the children had a great time and they recommended that we should be brave enough to have a sleep over.
We spoke to our headteacher Mrs. Ayto who agreed to let us have a sleepover in school. So our business is now going to be a hotel too. The PIE challenge team has successfully run a movie night so we all thought we could extend this to a sleepover and become young entrepreneurs of the hospitality world!
By Jayden S, Jack Mc and Sophia M
ick here to edit.

Year 5 Spanish Breakfast

Posted June 5th, 2019

Linking to our Spanish topic, year 5 took part in a Spanish style breakfast morning.  In preparation, we learned phrases linked to different breakfast items and how to ask for something from the menu.  We also created our own Spanish menus to use in our café.    Some of us were café workers, taking orders and others were customers coming to the counter to order their breakfast in Spanish.  It was a fantastic morning to show what we had learned and a big thank you to the kitchen staff for their help and support!
Muy Bien! 

PIE Challenge Managers

Posted May 24th, 2019

​We are so pleased and excited to have made it through to Stage 2 of the Pie Challenge. Last year’s Pie Challenge team shared their success story with the new group of children. Everyone was full of great ideas and after receiving our cheque for £100, we decided we needed to appoint some managers of our new business.
Children were invited to complete application forms and CVs outlining their strengths and giving examples of when they have shown certain characteristics that would benefit a manager’s role. We worked with our PIEoneer (Ian Murray) from Protraining to appoint three mangers: The Project Manager, The Marketing/Design Manager and The Finance Manager. The children answered several tricky questions incredibly well and we appointed children based on their areas of strength.

Mass Dance 2019

Posted May 24th, 2019

​On Sunday 19th May, the Dance Club took part in Darlington’s Mass Dance. They thoroughly enjoyed practising the dance steps as well as learning the sign language. This year’s theme was “This Is Me” and was all about challenging inequality. The children also took part in an Indian and Zumba workshop. Darlington’s Mass Dance is important for promoting how dancing can bring everyone together regardless of background, gender, disability, age or race – dancing can be enjoyed by all.

Stay and Play

Posted May 21st, 2019

Wow!  What a fabulous morning had by parents, children and staff.  A great opportunity for parents and children to share learning.  Both participated in a typical Read, Write Inc (phonics) session.  Each group learnt a new sound, practised some speedy spellings and read a book.  After that we took parents onto the playground to play some games with their children.  Thank you so much to those parents who were able to join us.