Fact Finding

Posted May 17th, 2019

​In preparation for our Riddle writing, and as part of our animal topic, we have been researching different animals.  First, we worked in groups to write down information that we already know about different animals.  We then looked at different pieces of information to find more interesting facts.  Our job was to record as many facts as possible. We were amazed by all of the new facts we have learned!

Rebecca Cole, Paper Artist

Posted May 17th, 2019

​As part of our ‘Animal Kingdom’ topic we have been learning about the Artist, Rebecca Cole.  She uses recycled paper to make three dimensional, butterfly pieces of art.  We decided that we would make our own paper and created patterns in polystyrene tiles.  Next, we painted it and printed it onto the paper.  The final step was to cut out a range of butterflies to create our own masterpiece.  

Quad Kids Year 4

Posted May 10th, 2019

​On Friday 10th May, 30 year 4 children and two year 3 girls attended the Quad Kids Competition at Eastbourne Sports Complex. They completed four events which included: standing long jump, howler throw, 400 metres and 50 metre sprint. We were thrilled with all of the children’s efforts and each child received their individual times and distances.  Harry-Lee smashed the town record for 400 metres by 6 seconds and Olivia B scored the most points overall from the three schools. Our A team have been invited back to the final on Monday where we hope to continue with our success. Many parents (as always) came to support this event.


Posted May 9th, 2019

​A Chinese teacher came to visit on Thursday; she is called Pei Tingting. We called her Miss Pei. We played a game with a panda toy – when we had hold of the panda we had to say,”Ni hao Miss Pei.”
Then Miss Pei showed us how to use chopsticks. Steven said,”It was really hard!”
In China there are twelve zodiac signs; Miss Pei shared the story of how they became. Amelia-Grace remembered, ”The mouse, cat and ox worked together.” Rachel remembered that the pig was last. We used a chart to find our signs from when we were born.
After that we learned to count to 5 in Chinese; there are hand signals too. “It is ling, er, san,” said Ned.
Miss Pei stayed for the afternoon and joined in fun in our Chinese restaurant role play, making panda masks, practising writing Chinese symbols and a little Tai Chi.
We had a super afternoon developing our knowledge of China.

Year 1 Assembly

Posted May 8th, 2019

​Wow! What an exciting week!  We have been practising ready to perform in front of our family.  The day to perform finally arrived.  We took our families on a trip down memory lane to show them how much we have learnt this year.   This included Global Warming, The Victorians and the retelling of the Julia Donaldson story, ‘The Paper Dolls.’ We had loud voices and spoke confidently.  We are feeling very proud of ourselves. 

The Big PIE Challenge

Posted April 24th, 2019

On the morning of the Big PIE (Primary Inspiration through Enterprise) Challenge, the pupils participated in two activities – one engineering based and the other coding. With the help of Ian Murray from Pro Training and Mrs Stephenson – we successfully attempted the tasks set. 
For the engineering activity, the pupils were required to build a small toy plane and then had to measure the distance the plane flew.  Jack and Maizey both threw 6.25 meters.
The children completed the coding task on a website called Coding Combat. During this, the children played a game which required the use of coding to get through each level. Joseph, George, Quincy and Sophia got to Level 14! We were thrilled. The challenge was to see how far each pupil could progress within the game. Many children completed the levels and prizes were awarded. Team work, creativity, resilience and perseverance were needed to complete the tasks and all children excelled at this. 
Our Pieoneer Ian Murray UK Managing Director of PROTRAINING said,
“What a fantastic group of pupils from Reid Street Primary, they all really engaged in the project Stage 1 and were keen to mirror their achievements from last year. It’s not often you leave a building feeling refreshed and energised but that’s exactly how I felt upon leaving the school premises. Joanne and Hilary are exceptional teachers and with them at the helm of the project, I just know that they will be a success”. 

Acorn Dairy Trip

Posted April 24th, 2019

Before we went to visit the farm, we learned about different types of farms including: Dairy, Arable and Livestock. We thought about how supermarkets provide us with our food. We then worked with a partner to sort different types of food into the correct farm.
Then we visited Acorn Dairy and found out what life on a real farm is like. We learned all about how cows give us milk and met lots of amazing cows and one of the two huge bulls. The calves were incredibly cute and some of them even tried to lick us! Our behaviour throughout the morning was excellent. We would like to say a big thank you to Graham and Caroline for letting us visit.

Junior Road Safety Officers

Posted April 22nd, 2019

We are the new Junior Road Safety Officers for Reid Street School. Our names are Lewis and Erica and we are in Year 5. We had to complete an application form for this role and then the classes voted amongst themselves for who they wanted to be the officers. The teachers counted the votes and we both won! We had some tough competition from our class mates.
Our first job was to lead an assembly to the whole school. Mrs Davison, Denise Caley (Darlington’s Road safety officer) Liam and Kaitlyn (last year’s JRSOs) also helped us with the assembly.
During the assembly, we talked about crossing the road safely and looking for safe places to cross.
We have set a competition for each Key stage.

Carnival Workshops

Posted April 22nd, 2019

We’re very excited because once again Reid Street Primary School is taking part in the annual Darlington Community Carnival and this year’s procession is ‘Heritage Themes’.  The carnival will take place on Saturday 29th June. Each school involved has been given their very own special part within the procession on a heritage theme linked to our local area and our school’s theme is Darlington Indoor Market. 

​Our local artist, Yvonne Preston from Scrap Art Studios, has been coming into school to work with some of our Year 4 and Year 5 pupils that are taking part in the carnival. The pupils have had great fun creating eye catching showpieces and individual artworks.

Church Visit

Posted April 4th, 2019

​Reception enjoyed a visit to the local church to learn more about the Easter Story. They loved singing and dancing and making Easter Crafts. What great fun they had.