Disability Awareness

Posted March 29th, 2019

​Year 4 spent time thinking about how having a disability might affect their lives. We learned that a disability can be a physical or a mental condition.
A person with a disability can be limited in terms of their movement, senses or activities. Sometimes disabilities are hidden. This means that you might not be able to tell that somebody has a disability just by looking at them. After watching Theo’s story, we all realised that disabled people might look different, act differently or just might not be able to do things as well or as quickly. However, they are still people, just like you and I. We all now know that disabled people want to be treated with the same respect as everybody else and they should be treated with the same respect as everybody else.
This time we focussed on visual impairment; this means someone has lost some or all of their sight. Year 4 children took part in an assault course blindfolded (with string) and tried to play cricket using balls with bells inside and again blindfolded.

Volcano Eruptions

Posted March 26th, 2019

​As part of our Natural Disasters topic, Year 4 made model volcanoes out of mod-roc (plaster of Paris). It was great fun creating these and we all worked well as a team. The cleaning up took forever!
After designing, creating, making and painting our mod-roc volcanoes, we headed out onto the KS2 yard for the major eruptions. Using bicarbonate of soda (alkaline) and vinegar (acid) our dormant volcanoes became active! This was because of the scientific, chemical reaction.
 “It was the best lesson ever!” Jack M said.
 He loved creating the explosion and watching the lava erupt from the magma chamber and flow down the bumpy volcano.
Summer also enjoyed this lesson. She said, “When we saw our volcanoes erupt we all screamed at the top of our voices with excitement. We were pleased it was not real as we all would have been screaming in fear!”
Here are some photos of the amazing, volcanic event.

Boys Football Match

Posted March 22nd, 2019

On Friday 22nd March, the boys faced a tough opponent in Harrowgate Hill School who have several District squad players. The game started at a fast pace with Harrowgate Hill taking an early lead to go 3-0 up after only 12 minutes of play. Half time was reached and the score was 5-0. During the second half, Reid Street boys did not give up and worked super hard to earn themselves a goal. They showed real determination and character to work hard to finish strongly. Our goalkeeper, Joseph, made several standout saves despite being two years younger than his opponents. The boys look forward to playing again and having an opportunity to put all their efforts to the test again after the Easter holidays. Well done, boys.
The final score was 6-1 to Harrowgate Hill School. 


Litter Pick

Posted March 22nd, 2019

On Friday 22nd March, Pupil Voice and some other children from year 4 went litter picking to make a difference in our local community. Before we set off, we got into groups of five and were given an adult to work with. After that, we all got bin bags for the litter and grabbers to pick it up.
We split up in our teams and headed out to collect litter from Reid Street, Craig Street and Columbia Street. We all headed to the play Dene from different directions. There was actually less litter than we thought. Some people stopped us and asked what we were doing. They were impressed with us for making a difference. We all worked incredibly hard so Mrs Davison and Miss Bunn allowed us to play on the equipment.   

By Edee and Matthew  Y4

World War II Visitors

Posted March 19th, 2019

​Last week, children worked in groups to create questions that they would like to ask someone who was alive during WW2. On Tuesday, the children were able to meet Phyllis and Charles who were both children at the start of WW2. Our speakers informed the children of their memories from their childhoods and answered the questions the children had produced. All children showed great respect and mature behaviour when hearing about our guests’ stories. They found out some amazing facts from primary sources and will use this information in future lessons.

Science Week

Posted March 15th, 2019

Which house was the best and why?
Reception decided to test straw, sticks and bricks to find out which material is the best.
What do we already know?
Tabitha – “Straw would blow down when it is windy.”
Sonny – “Straw is too soft too and rain came down you would get wet!”
Steven – “The straw is too thin.”
Charlie – “Sticks are wood and they need to be stuck together and put bricks on the walls to make em stronger.”
Macie – “You will get wet and soaking with sticks.”
Mally-Ray – “Rain could slide through he sticks.”
Bethany – “Bricks is strong!”
April – “If the roof was made out of something like bricks the wolf can’t blow it down.”
How can we test it?
Elsie – “The wolf huffed and puffed smoke came out.”
April – “His oxygen blew the house down.”
Lacey K – “His breath not smoke blew it down.”
Charlie – “When you breathe it comes out of your mouth.”
Lacey M – “Breath is like wind.”
Steven – “We could all blow together?”
Dylan “At home Mummy dries her hair with a hairdryer and it dries quick so it is strong we could use one?”
We decided to try both ideas
The straw blew away, the sticks stood still and the bricks did too!
Amelia – Grace – “It gone everywhere the straw.”
Dylan – “The sticks were just a bit wobbly.”
Elsie – “The bricks were strong and didn’t move at all.”

Red Nose Day

Posted March 15th, 2019

​We love the colour red at Reid Street and are always proud to wear our lovely red jumpers, sweatshirts and cardigans. On Friday 15th March there was even more red in school as pupils wore their red noses, deely boppers and official Red Nose Day T-shirts. Well done to everyone who took part and contributed to our fundraising for this good cause, raising £150.92 for Comic Relief.

Darlington Dance Festival 2019

Posted March 12th, 2019

​On Tuesday 12th March, many of our talented dancers took part in the annual Darlington Dance Festival at the Hippodrome. This was the finale in what has taken months of hard work and commitment from the dancers and Mrs Rimmer who choreographed the piece. The dance the children performed was to Mean Girls by Rachel Crow, which addressed the theme of bullying and how it is important to speak out. The dancers spent the morning at the Hippodrome taking part in workshops and practising their performance on stage. On the evening, the children performed to a full auditorium. The dance was not only excellently performed, but also incredibly moving. A big well done to all of the children who participated in the event, Mrs Rimmer and the family members who supported us.   

Author Visit

Posted March 8th, 2019

​To tie in with World Book Day the author Antony Wootten visited the school and spent the day working with pupils in years 5 and 6.  His sessions were both lively and engaging as he encouraged each year group to create a story together which he then retold at the end of the session. Year 5 book club were especially excited to meet Antony as they are currently reading his book ‘A Tiger too Many’.  At the end of his session pupils were given the chance to buy one of Antony’s books which he personally signed for them. 

World Book Day 2019

Posted March 8th, 2019

​Once again pupils and staff did themselves proud on this annual dress up day.  There were story characters galore from Harry Potter and Mr Men to Doctor Who and his Tardis!!  It was great to see the time and effort that many pupils had put into making their costumes and this was rewarded with book prizes for the best costumes in each class.