The Great Fire of London

Posted October 16th, 2018

Today we made our very own Great Fire of London. We talked about fire safety and then Mr Banks lit our houses. The fire started slowly but soon all the houses were fully lit. We were amazed and shocked at how fast the fire spread and how tall the flames were.

Book Fair

Posted October 15th, 2018

​This term’s book fair proved to be a very popular event and thanks to the support of pupils, parents and carers the school raised a total of £206 to spend on new reading material.  Reading benefits all aspects of learning which is why we continue to hold this event twice a year.  When the fair arrives in school pupils are given the chance to view the books on offer and it is always lovely to see them getting so excited about reading. 

Stone Age Trip

Posted October 3rd, 2018

​As part of our topic this term, Year 5 pupils travelled back in time to experience what life was like in the Stone Age.  We met a friendly historian named Roy, who taught us lots of different things about how to survive in the Stone Age.  
We had to use ancient techniques to live like a Stone Age person such as:

  • Digging with old antlers to plant seeds, beans and peas.
  • Weaving a leather strap through bamboo sticks to build a teepee shelter. 
  • Rubbing a stick against a plank of wood to create a fire.
  • Grinding spelt seeds with a heavy rock to make flour.
  • Shaking cream to make butter.

We learnt that back in the Stone Age, they had to do EVERYTHING from scratch.  We had a fabulous time and learned lots of new things about surviving in the Stone Age! 

Head of Steam

Posted October 3rd, 2018

​On Wednesday 3rd October 2018, we visited the Head of Steam Museum in Darlington. We all went as a year group, 4D and 4S, Mrs Stephenson, Miss Dunn, Mrs Davison and Mrs Rimmer. The purpose of our visit was to view our fabulous art work that was displayed in the museum for a celebration event of the 193rd anniversary of the railway. We met Sarah at the entrance of the museum and then we sat down in front of the famous Locomotion No.1 train and she talked to us about George Stephenson and the Locomotion. We also visited because our topic is all about Inventions and we wanted to learn more about George Stephenson and his influence on Darlington. The teachers gave out paper and pencils and we all set off and drew a famous invention from the museum, took them back to school and researched each invention. We had so much fun!

Stay and Play

Posted September 28th, 2018

​Twenty parents were invited to spend the morning with their child and explore the learning opportunities that they receive within school. The classroom and gardens were set up with numeracy, literacy and creative activities. The children enjoyed showing their parents what they do at school and how they learn through purposeful play. The morning began with our gross motor exercises ’Squiggle While You Wiggle’ which helps the children prepare for writing. The children then explored the areas of the classroom and gardens and finished off by showing the adults how well they tidy up at the end of a session. We came back together to do another exercise routine ‘Jump Start Jonny’. Parents then enjoyed a biscuit and a drink and left very positive feedback from their morning. 

Tri Golf

Posted September 27th, 2018

​On Thursday 27th September, ten of our year 5 and 6 children took the short journey to Darlington Golf club to compete in the Darlington Tri Golf Competition. The team comprised of 5 girls and 5 boys. The children took part in a series of golf and skill related games where they earned themselves many points through their hard work and constant teamwork.
Reid Street finished in 1st place on 1260 points. This is the third year Reid Street have won the competition – a fantastic achievement.

Road Safety

Posted September 19th, 2018

​A road safety officer visited school to talk about staying safe whilst crossing the road. The children learned the importance of being with a grown up; staying away from the kerb; using crossings and not being silly or playing near the road.  They practised saying, “Stop, Look, Listen and Think!” to remind them what to do before crossing the road. The children really enjoyed dressing up as ‘Lollipop People’ and using the traffic lights to practise crossing the road safely. 

Show Racism the Red Card

Posted September 13th, 2018

​Children took part in a variety of activities throughout the day relating to tackling racism. They participated in football activities and workshops where they discussed important issues and looked at how racism affects individuals. All children worked exceptionally hard and were a credit to the school. They were asked some thought-provoking questions and responded with mature and sensible answers. Leaders also questioned the children about the use of racist language and discussed with the children the difference between discrimination and racism. 

KS2 Music Concert

Posted July 11th, 2018

​Last Wednesday, children from across KS2 participated in our annual music concert. All Year 5 pupils enjoyed performing several pieces on their brass instruments led by Mr Franey. Year 3 and 4 pupils performed pieces on the ocarinas and recorders as well as showcasing their excellent singing voices led by Miss Parker. Mrs Sermon led our cellists in a selection of pieces including a performance by a soloist, Arabella. Some of our Year 6 children also showcased their brass skills. Finally, all the children performed ‘Mamma Mia’ and ‘Three Little Birds’ together to end our musical show! The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and it was a wonderful opportunity for our Year 2 children to observe our KS2 music curriculum in preparation for their transition to Year 3.

PIE Challenge Grand Final

Posted July 11th, 2018

​On Thursday 12th July the Reid Street PIE Team travelled to Newcastle for the Grand Final of ‘The Big PIE Challenge’. We were asked to prepare a short 3 slide presentation about our product and our journey through Stage 2 of the Challenge. The children blew us away with their confidence and ability to speak in front of an audience of peers and adults. We had 3 products which we promoted; our website –, Prayer Flags and ice pops. Our main product, which was our website, raised £1735 profit, the Prayer Flags raised £221.50 profit and the ice pops raised £118.85 profit. At ‘close of business’ on 30.06.18 our total profit was a staggering £2075.35. We have had more companies wanting to advertise since and the grand total now stands at £2165.35
After a nerve-wracking lunch break the winners were announced. Third, second then first place… Reid Street Primary School! We received a huge trophy and a cheque for £5000. This experience has taught us creative thinking, problem solving, communication, negotiation and persuasiveness skills and has raised our confidence and self-esteem. As a team we are so proud of our achievement and being awarded the title of Most Enterprising School in the North East.