Relax Kids

Posted May 18th, 2018

The Relax Kids program is designed to help develop children’s concentration, creativity and self-esteem. It incorporates movement, stretching and breathing exercises, as well as simple peer-massage and self-esteem games and relaxation exercises.
Our children learn fantastic ways to feel happy, peaceful, calm and confident.

A Royal Wedding

Posted May 18th, 2018

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are getting married tomorrow so we learnt all about why royal weddings are so special. We found out about members of the royal family and about features of a royal wedding. We made biscuits and hats to mark the occasion and had a replica wedding in the garden. It was quite exciting and very glamorous. 

Year 4 Assembly

Posted May 11th, 2018

​On Friday 11th May, we performed our class assembly to family, friends and KS2 children. The teachers were very proud of us all and they enjoyed our singing, dancing and acting.  We learnt lots of interesting facts about Natural Disasters while we were rehearsing our assembly and enjoyed sharing these with everyone.  After the assembly, our teachers shared with us the lovely comments that the audience had written for us and listening to these made us feel proud.
“Brilliant! Well done, year 4.  Loved the singing and dancing.  See you all on the stage one day.”
“Well done to all of year 4 for a brilliant assembly.  You should all be proud of yourselves.”
“Fab assembly year 4.  Loved it and learnt something new.  Thank you. Well done.”


Posted May 1st, 2018

Week Three of our travels around the globe took Reception all the way to India. Back on the plane with our passports, we travelled over land and sea. The children experienced many things they have never had before. The children tasted authentic Indian food (made by Shreyan’s mum) that included a curried rice dish and a mango sauce. We were very proud of the children who do not usually eat peculiar foods but had a try anyway.
During the week we also practised some traditional Bangra dancing that is performed at Indian weddings. The children discussed how different the clothes were from their school uniforms, “they are very shiny”, “colourful”, “I like the bright colours”. The children also learnt how to play cricket, a very popular game in India.

Exploring Eggs

Posted April 26th, 2018

​On Thursday 26th April a Chef came to school and made Spanish tapas. We tasted Totilla de patatas. Spanish/potato omelette – but what is omelette’s main ingredient? Are eggs only Spanish? Where do eggs come from? What different eggs are there?
We explored a raw egg, listened to how it sounded in the shell when uncooked and cooked.  Then cooked eggs in 2 ways, poached egg and omelettes to see what happens to eggs when they are cooked.
Children predicted what will happen and investigated.


Posted April 24th, 2018

​Reception were treated to a visit from ‘The Wandering Duck’ restaurant. They serve traditional Spanish food called Tapas. This means a small plate of food that is usually meat, fish, cheese or vegetables. The children tried a variety of dishes including a potatas bravas, rice with tomatoes, manchega (a Spanish cheese) and some bread. 

Flying to a new country

Posted April 23rd, 2018

​On Monday everybody picked up their passports ready to fly to another country. This week we are learning about Spain. We listened to the safety instructions and ordered our drinks and snacks. When we landed everybody had their passport stamped at passport control.

Mini Police Litter Pick

Posted April 23rd, 2018

We (the Year 5 Mini Police) went to the Denes play area on Monday 23rd April to pick up litter. This was part of our Mini Police programme.

​During the last seven weeks, we have learnt all about anti-social behaviour.  Anti-social behaviour comes in 3 parts – nuisance, personal and environmental. As a group, we had to do certain tasks to help the local community so we decided to collect litter and tidy up our local park. We all got ready with our litter pickers and high visibility vests and went down to the Dene to collect the litter, which is a major part of anti-social behaviour. You will be surprised it is not always the children who drop litter- adults do too!

We found a variety of things littering the Denes including: a sold sign from a house, a sweeping brush, empty cans and broken bottles as well as sweet wrappers and ice lolly packets. In one hour, we manage to fill six bin bags. We collected from the local streets on the way to the Denes and we were shocked by the amount of litter in our local community. We want people to pick up their own litter and we have asked the council for more bins.

After we had finished cleaning up the environment, we were allowed to play in the park. It was great fun! Mrs Davison was talking about forces but we just wanted to play!

Thanks for reading this from Reid Street Mini Police Officers. 

E-safety meeting

Posted April 23rd, 2018

​On Monday 23rd April, Mike and Colin from C:The Box led an E-safety meeting for parents and carers.  At this meeting, they talked about popular apps, websites and games which children are playing. Those who attended had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss their concerns about the use of the Internet.  Parents learnt information which was useful to support their children in the online world and were surprised by some of the information shared.  If you would like any information from this evening, please let us know and we can provide you with hand-outs from the meeting.

Cycling Proficiency

Posted April 19th, 2018

​During the Spring Term, 14 children from 5R completed their cycling proficiency. We thoroughly enjoyed this experience and passed the 6 week course.
What happened during Level 1?
In Level 1 of this training, we completed some tasks that would show whether we could carry on to Level 2. During Level 1, the tasks we completed were: bike checks, helmet fittings, cycling across the yard that included emergency brake stops, looking at the colours the instructor flashed up while we were cycling and telling them the colour shown, weaving through cones, cycling on the inside of a cone circle and, as we did this, the circle minimized. Then all of the separate groups linked together and we cycled round a big circle of cones. At different points of this, we needed to leave the circle and then join back in at a safe point. We also, if it was safe to do so, gave one of our instructors a high five. Next, we moved onto level two of our training.
What happened during Level 2?
In Level 2 of cycle proficiency, we went out on the roads with our instructors. It was scary at first for some whilst others enjoyed all of it. Our Level 2 tasks included: bike checks, helmet checks, positioning of our bikes on the roads, overtaking parked cars, turning corners, U-turns, riding with our groups all together and performing looped U-turns.
We had a lot of fun completing our training and it will be very useful for the future! We hope 5D enjoy it as much as we did.
Thanks for reading our blog,
Daniel and Martha.