Tudor Clothing

Posted March 15th, 2018

​The children explored how the Tudors dressed.  We looked at outfits for the rich and the poor and discussed their similarities and differences.  We then looked at the clothes that we had to decide if they were for a man or a woman.

Mini-Beast Hunt

Posted March 12th, 2018

​The Reception thoroughly enjoyed their first School trip on Tuesday morning. The sun was shining and the mini-beasts were plenty in the Denes. All Foundation Stage staff were proud of the behaviour of children on our first outing. We found many mini-beasts and saw signs of spring around with snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils.

Road Safety and Police Interceptors Assembly.

Posted March 12th, 2018

What an exciting morning we had on Monday 12th March. Our road safety officers had arranged for the ‘Seat Belt Sheriff’ to come into school to talk about the importance of wearing a seat belt when travelling in a car. We also learnt that you needed to be 135cm tall to travel in a car without a booster seat. Many of us were shocked that we were shorter than 135cm and didn’t use a booster seat. We watched two toy cars filled with dummies travel down a ramp. The ones wearing the seat belts remained in their seats whilst the non-seat belt wearing family ended up coming out of the car and being injured. We all made a pledge to the ‘Seat Belt Sheriff’ that we would all wear our seat belts and encourage others to do the same. 

​As well as the ‘Seat Belt Sheriff’, Sergeant Peter Tate from Channel 5’s Police interceptors spoke to  the children about remaining safe on the roads and when travelling in cars. Some of the children were able to look at the police interceptor’s car.  The ITV news cameras came into school to film the assembly too and we were on GMTV news on Tuesday morning

World Book Day 2018

Posted March 9th, 2018

​Pupils and staff had great fun dressing up for World Book Day this month and as always there were some fabulous costumes making it extremely difficult for class teachers to pick a winner.  A winning boy and girl were chosen from each class and received a book from the book fair as their prize.

Making Cookies!

Posted March 6th, 2018

​Today, as part of our unit of work on mass, the children made cookies! They had to follow a recipe and used the scales to measure out each ingredient. The children enjoyed weighing out the sugar and butter but especially enjoyed mixing the ingredients with their hands. The classroom smelt lovely once the cookies had been baked and the children were allowed to take the cookies home at the end of the day.

Yoga at Reid Street

Posted February 26th, 2018

​In our lunch time yoga club, the key stage 2 children are beginning to develop their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. They are focussing hard to improve their concentration, sense of calmness and relaxation.

The Pied Piper

Posted February 26th, 2018

Today we learned more about the story of the Pied Piper and sorted pictures into the right order to show the story. We know there are different versions of the story because it is a fairy tale. Most of us preferred the sad version where the children don’t return to Hamelin!

Year 3 Tennis

Posted February 20th, 2018

During the Autumn term Year 3 children have been learning how to play Mini Tennis as part of the P.E. curriculum. We made sure that our children had the best introduction to the game using a dedicated tennis coach from our local area. We took a team of eight children to a local cluster Tennis Challenge competition sponsered by the Tony Blair Sports Foundation held at the Wyvern Academy in Darlington and our team were the winners! Following on from our success we represented our cluster at the Darlington finals again held at the Wyvern Academy on Tuesday 20th February. All our hard work and practice paid off and we held our own against the best teams from St Augustine’s, Hurworth and Northwood beating all the competition and were the winning school. This meant that our team will now represent Darlington in June in the Regional finals to be held in Teesside. Our successful team will play the best schools from Middlesbrough, Hartlepool and  Stockton. 


Posted February 18th, 2018

5R enjoying the snow this week.

Global Goals

Posted February 9th, 2018

Global Goal 4 – A Quality Education
Year 5 explored the importance of a quality education and looked at some of the amazing work charities such as UNICEF do to help children all over the world receive an education.  We then discussed in smaller groups question cards relating to the effect education can have on our life including our physical and mental well-being.  We presented our ideas to the class and discussed any questions we had with each other. 
Global Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation
Year 5 conducted an experiment to see which filter would be the most effective in producing the cleanest water.  We had a challenge in small groups to try and create the cleanest water using different filtering systems; such as tights and coffee filters.  We graded the water before and after filtering it and found some amazing results!