Spaceship Landing!

Posted November 13th, 2017

​The children arrived on the playground on Monday and discovered a UFO had landed! There was a lot of rubbish left too- mars bar wrappers, space raiders, socks etc. The Reception children had to investigate what could have happened. The children decided that they thought aliens may have landed. On the afternoon, a letter was discovered from the aliens ‘Reb and Peb’ explaining that they had got lost because of the fireworks and that the children could look after their spaceship for a week. At the end of the week, the whole class wrote a letter together to say thank you to the aliens. The children enjoyed the story of Aliens Love Underpants.

Atlas Work

Posted October 19th, 2017

Today, we learned about our local area. We used atlases to find the shape of countries around the world and places we had visited or knew about. We used Google Earth to find our school, the Head of Steam and some of our houses. We learned about parts of the UK, the countries and capitals.
We loved sharing what we found out with our friends.

Forest School

Posted October 17th, 2017

​Four Tuesdays in September and October, Year 5 visited the Forest School in Darlington.  Here they explored the woods, worked in teams to build dens from branches and any other materials they could find.  Finally, they were able to toast marshmallows over a roaring bonfire!

Tag Rugby

Posted October 12th, 2017

​On Thursday, ten year three and four children attended a festival at Mowden Park where they were taught a variety of rugby skills such as how to hold and pass the ball and how to score points.  They were also able to play a couple of games of Tag Rugby against other schools.

Gardening Club

Posted October 9th, 2017

The Gardening Club returned to the allotment they had created to harvest their crops. They enjoyed having a look around Pierremont Methodist Church’s garden and investigating the different vegetables. The children from Gardening Club kindly donated all of their produce to the Harvest Festival.

Beamish Trip

Posted October 6th, 2017

On Friday, Year 2 went to Beamish as part of our Victorians topic. We had a fantastic time exploring and learning about life as a Victorian. We saw a lot of amazing things and took part in activities like cleaning a Victorian house and doing chores, as well as finding out about what it would be like to go to a Victorian school.


Posted October 5th, 2017

On Thursday, a group of Year 6 children from Reid Street took part in a Tri-Golf tournament at Darlington Golf Club. The children competed against 8 other local schools knowing the winner would go forward to represent Darlington in the Tees-Valley finals in December. After some excellent golf, Reid Street managed to win the competition by over 150 points! A magnificent performance. Well done to the children involved, who are now looking forward to competing in the Tees-Valley finals.


Posted October 5th, 2017

​All the children had a wonderful day at Beamish Open Air Museum, stepping back in time to 1913. They experienced rides on old open top buses and trams, travelling from the Pit village to the town. They looked around an old Victorian school and the pit cottages and even had to use some of the old facilities and tools to help tidy and clean a cottage! The children also compared the differences between the cottages and the wealthy town houses. 

Children’s Cancer Run 2017

Posted September 28th, 2017

On Sunday 21st May, over 70 people from Reid Street school (pupils, their families and teachers) took part in the Children’s Cancer Run at Gosforth Park. It was a fabulous day and at Reid Street School we all ran a mile in support of this event. From the sponsorship, we raised £2707.69 for the charity. This was an incredible amount.  In recognition of our fundraising, two children were invited to an awards ceremony in Newcastle.

On Thursday 28th September, Tom and Amber took the train with Mrs Davison to Newcastle. The award ceremony was held at the Metro Radio Station. As one of the top ten schools to raise money, we were presented with a certificate and trophy.  We met with other schools from the North East but we had travelled the furthest! The day was fabulous as we were able to go into the recording studio and see how the Metro Radio DJs worked. We also met a doctor who is working on developing cures for children’s cancer. The race has been going on for 35 years and in that time, survival rates for children with cancer have risen from one in ten to eight in ten.

​The grand total raised at the cancer run was £246,185. Next year, we are hoping to double the amount raised when we take part on Sunday 22nd May.

Victorian Tea Party

Posted September 22nd, 2017

Wednesday 13 September 2017 marked 150 years since Queen Victoria granted a Charter of Incorporation to Darlington in 1867, paving the way for the creation of Darlington Borough Council. Reid Street School celebrated the occasion on Friday 22 September with a Victorian themed school dinner – ‘Afternoon Tea’ to mark the occasion.
The children were served finger sandwiches, cream scones, cakes, shortcake trifle and pink lemonade. Dinner ladies dressed in Victorian outfits for the occasion. The Victorian Afternoon Tea created a lot of interest from both parents and children.
The afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed by the children and it was a great way to play a part in the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Charter of incorporation of the County Borough of Darlington.

British values are key to the curriculum at Reid Street and this includes learning about democracy. The whole school had learnt all about the fascinating story of Henry King Spark during an assembly and were fascinated to hear all about the bringing of democracy to Darlington. Year 1 and 2 pupils are currently studying the Victorians and so the 150 year commemoration came at the perfect time. Year 4 pupils attended the celebrations at the Festival of Ingenuity on Friday and had a fantastic time finding out about the history of industry in Darlington and the current opportunities.

In a lovely addition to the story, a random act of kindness made pupils smile. A resident of Kent had come across a book about the reign of Queen Victoria and, having thoroughly enjoyed reading it, he very kindly contacted the school as a certificate on the front page showed that it had been presented to a pupil at Reid Street as a prize in 1914, only two years after the school had opened. He sent the book in the post and it will be treasured in school.