Global Goals

Posted September 22nd, 2017

​In Year 1 we had an afternoon focused on introducing Global Goals. We watched a video which told us about some of the problems we have in the world today. Working together, the children drew pictures and talked about what they had seen, heard and learnt. As a class we talked about worldwide issues such as climate change, poverty and inequality.
We decided we wanted to help to solve some of the world’s problems. We looked at the different Global Goals and made up actions to help us to remember some of them. We played a game called ‘Human Knot’ which showed us the importance of working together and helping each other. 

First Aid Training

Posted September 19th, 2017

​This week, the children worked with a nurse to learn important skills to help them if they ever needed to carry out any first aid.  They learnt about ‘DR ABC’, choking, burns and dealing with cuts and blood.  

The Victorians

Posted September 18th, 2017

Today, Year 2 entered the Victorian classroom for their introduction to the Victorians. The boys and girls were separated and taught in separate classrooms.
First, the children were given Victorian names such as Gertrude and Harold. Then they took part in a PE Lesson (known as a Drill) and learnt some of the Victorian Class rules.  The Victorian teachers were very strict!

Roald Dahl

Posted September 15th, 2017

Year 1 celebrated Roald Dahl week by exploring the book ‘The Enormous Crocodile’. We produced artwork based on characters from the book and on Friday, the children dressed up as their favourite Roald Dahl characters.

Help For Heroes

Posted July 18th, 2017

0n Tuesday 18th July, Jess and Justin from Phoenix House Recovery Centre, at Catterick, visited school and lead an assembly based on the British charity, Help for Heroes. Justin, a beneficiary of the charity, spoke about his journey from a spinal injury to his participation in the American IronMan Challenge, proving anything is possible.

The Wyvern Sports Day

Posted July 5th, 2017

Year 5 pupils participated in a sports competition at The Wyvern Academy which involved a number of other local schools. The children competed in a variety of sporting events such as hurdles, space hopper race, penalty shoot-out and team building skill games. During the day, the pupils also received training in exciting activities, some of which they had not experienced before. In a competitive tournament, Reid Street came third overall – a fantastic achievement – with Cockerton Primary School winning first prize. Well done Year 5! 


Posted June 30th, 2017

​During Science today, we continued to look at the size and shape of planets. We used our artistic skills to make a 3D representation of our Solar System. We worked in groups and used a range of different medias. 

Staff Relay Winners!

Posted June 29th, 2017

Well done to the Reid Street staff who competed in a fundraising relay race on Thursday evening against a number of other local schools. The four members of the team each ran 1 mile, managing to win the race and retain the trophy in an impressive time of under 24 minutes! 

Darlington Community Carnival

Posted June 24th, 2017

Reid Street pupils, staff and families helped to make this year’s Darlington Community Carnival a fantastic experience. Year 4 pupils had been busy working with artist Yvonne Preston to create and build a huge Iron Man – as the theme for this year was ‘Bookie Wookie’. During the parade, pupils donned their costumes and chanted extracts from the book. It was a lovely day for all involved.

Leavers’ Assembly

Posted June 22nd, 2017

​Year 6 recently enjoyed performing their leavers’ assembly to their parents and the school. They worked really hard to learn their lines and performed with enthusiasm! Well done, year 6.