Armed Forces Day

Posted June 21st, 2017

​Reid Street pupils attended the annual Armed Forces Day ceremony in the Market Square. They saw a fly past and met serving members of the armed forces, the Town Crier and the Mayor. It was a particularly special occasion for the grandsons of George Barker, who received the Ordre de la Legion d’honneur Chevalier. We are proud to support those who work for all of our armed forces. 

Life Centre Trip

Posted June 21st, 2017

​Year 4 had a fantastic time visiting the Life Centre for our school trip.  All of the children enjoyed exploring the Dino Jaws exhibition and learning in the different zones available throughout the day.

We Are Scientists!

Posted May 19th, 2017

​As part of our new Scrumdidlyumptious topic, we are learning about plants. We spent an afternoon exploring the different parts of plants, cutting them up and labelling the different parts that we know, including petal, leaf, stem and roots. We then thought of some investigation questions that would help us to find out more. 

Jeff Rich from Status Quo!

Posted May 15th, 2017

On Monday 15th May, Jeff Rich, a drummer from Status Quo, visited the school and led a drumming workshop. The children learnt about the history of drums, how to play these and had a go at playing them.  At the end, everyone had a chance to play a percussion instrument while Jeff played the drums.

Year 3 Assembly 

Posted April 5th, 2017

Year 3’s Roman Assembly was a huge success! Well done to all the children! Here are a few of the comments from parents and families who enjoyed the performance:

‘Brilliant! The best ever!’ – Will’s grandma.

‘I loved every second of the show, you have all worked so hard! Well done to all of you!’ – James Gaskin’s mum.

‘It’s lovely to see the children learning whilst having so much fun!’ – Donna, Dylan’s mum.

‘Lovely assembly! We learned so much more about the Romans. Thank you!’ – Robyn’s mum, grandad and nana.

Dance Festival

Posted March 28th, 2017

​On Tuesday 28th March, 10 children performed at a dance festival at the Dolphin Centre. They worked extremely hard to practise a contemporary dance which they performed amazingly on the night of the festival and we are all very proud of all their hard work and determination to do their best.

The Little Pigs

Posted March 23rd, 2017

​In reception this week, we have read the story of The Three Little Pigs. The children loved exploring to see which material would be the best. They all voted and gave the reasons to why they thought each materials was good or bad. The children tried to blow the houses down themselves but could not; we used a hairdryer to pretend to be the wolf instead. We discovered that bricks would be best as the wind did not blow them down. 

Year 4 Assembly

Posted March 22nd, 2017

​On Wednesday 22nd March, we performed our class assembly. The teachers were very proud of us all and they enjoyed all of our singing, dancing and acting.

Roman Workshop

Posted March 16th, 2017

As part of our Romans topic this term we visited Durham University’s Library and Museum. We handled real Roman artefacts and reenacted some key events from history including The Roman’s invasion of Great Britain. We were also able to create our own Roman Mosaics using small coloured tiles!


Posted March 15th, 2017

​Reception have enjoyed Gymnastics in P.E. They started by exploring different ways to travel and different ways to balance using different body parts.  Next, they were introduced to apparatus. They had to practise travelling, balancing and jumping off carefully; making sure to stayed safe at all times! The children became very good at using their finishing position.