The Great Fire of London

Posted March 15th, 2017

The children in Year 2 have started their new exciting topic – The Great Fire of London. We thought carefully about our chosen artist (L.S. Lowry) and drew our picture in that style. We used charcoal to draw with – it was tricky but we showed fantastic resilience. We have some fantastic artists in Year 2 and our beautiful work is now displayed in our classroom. We are very proud! 

Library Visit

Posted March 8th, 2017

Reception had a visit from Suzy from the Library. She read them a story about dancing fruit! She then taught them the names of some new fruits such as nectarine and plum. The children had to pull the material and go underneath and find the correct fruit.
They all had a cuddle from the Rhyme Time Bear.
What great fun they had!
Max – “My favourite bit was pulling the material. You had to go in and out to get the fruit out. It was good fun.”
Rohan “ My favourite fruit in the story was the banana who was the disco man. All the fruit had a party.  The pear had a big fat bottom!“ 


Posted February 14th, 2017

On Wednesday 15th February, Reid Street Pupils from Key Stage 2 performed a production of Oliver to Parents. The show was an amazing success following months of hard work. Well done to everyone involved!

Trip to Tesco

Posted January 26th, 2017

​On Thursday 26th January, FS had a wonderful first trip to Tesco. The focus of the day was ‘Being Healthy’.
​Joseph said:
“I liked when we went to the factory and when the man showed us the fish. I thought that when I touched the crab it was alive and that it would snip me. I liked the flat fish too.”
​Paige said:
“We went on a bus to Tesco it was fun. We played games and did running to keep us healthy. We saw a crab and other fish. We looked for oranges and peppers. We tasted bread after we saw it being made. We made breakfast cereal with raisins and Frosties and porridge and ate it back at school. It was fun”

Aspirations Week 2017

Posted January 14th, 2017

Just before the half term, we held our first ever Aspirations Week – and what a week it was! We had visitors from many different walks of life who came into school to talk to pupils about a wide range of different career options. They brought with them fun activities which helped pupils to understand their roles in the world of work. Pupils also visited sites such as the Roman Fort at Piercebridge, The Mayors Parlour and The Head of Steam. A big THANK YOU to all who came to support – governors, parents, grandparents, ex pupils and our own staff: Mr Waistell had a previous career as a draughtsperson, Mr Banks has played football at Wembley and Mr Bowes is the Northern Echo’s Apprentice of the Year. As you can see from the photographs, everyone really enjoyed the week and it was lovely to see pupils dressed up on the Friday as the person they would like to be in the future. Well done to Mrs Davison who put the whole thing together for us.

Armed Forces Day

Posted June 21st, 2016

On Monday 20th June, Reid Street pupils joined The Worshipful the Mayor (Elect) Councillor Brian Jones to show our support and ‘#SaluteOurForces’ for all they do. We have several pupils with family members who have been, or are currently, in the armed forces. We enjoyed the procession from the Town Hall to the Market Square for the flag raising ceremony and met with regular and reserve forces, ex Forces

The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations

Posted May 27th, 2016

On Friday 27th May we held a fantastic celebration for the Queen’s 90th birthday. Staff and pupils came dressed in their finest clothes and participated in a range of fun, themed activities such as cake decorating, sandwich making (cucumber of course), games such as ‘pin the tail on the corgi’ and a whole host of other exciting events.

The day culminated in a whole school party on the yard – we were blessed with sunshine just at the right time! A choir and brass band led us in a rendition of the National Anthem.

Each year group chose their ‘Queen and King’ for the day (you can see them parading around waving regally on the photographs) and our more able artists had the difficult task of choosing their two favourite crowns from all of the fabulous examples created.

Well done to Joshua Liddle from Reception and Kira Moles-Rusa from Year 6 who took away a bag of coins each. A great day was had by all!


Reid Street raises the roof!

Posted January 25th, 2016

Reid Street recently took part in the Darlington Schools Eurovision Contest hosted by Darlington Civic Theatre.

Our wonderful choir sung the 2009 Norweigan entry, Fairytale to great applaud!

Here are some pictures of our wonderful children who sang beautifully and were a real credit to Reid Street School.