The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark

Posted December 16th, 2019

​In Literacy, we have been studying The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. We made some beautiful owl artwork. First, we created owls on black paper with chalk and paint to remind us that owls are nocturnal. We used silver and gold sequins for the owl’s eyes.
​We also created some fluffy owls, sewing recycled material pieces together. It was a bit fiddly but Mrs Reid was very impressed by our focus and concentration.

How and Why is Diwali Special to Hindus?

Posted December 16th, 2019

​As part of our RE lesson about Hinduism we have learnt about Diwali. We found out that Diwali is a special festival of light and it is celebrated in lots of different ways. 
​We also watched a film about the Story of Rama and Sita. We loved making Diwali lamps.
​Finally, we learnt a song about Diwali called “It’s Diwali,” which we sang in a two part harmony. 

Ushaw College

Posted December 11th, 2019

​After securing a place in the final, Reid Street Choir performed at Ushaw College alongside 11 other schools for a chance to win Durham Music Service Primary Choir of the Year 2019. The children sang ‘Christmas Wish’ and demonstrated fantastic harmonies, diction and perfect pitch. This resulted in them achieving 1st place in the competition and they have gained a place in the next stage at Durham Cathedral in January where they will compete to win Regional Primary Choir of the Year 2020. Well done to all involved! 

Middlesbrough Gotta Dance

Posted December 11th, 2019

​On Thursday 21st November, 12 children from our dance club took part in a show at Middlesbrough Theatre alongside other schools from across the county.  Children from years 4-6 helped choreograph a dance to ‘Aladdin – Friend Like Me’. This evening was a great success and not only did the children enjoy participating in the event, they also enjoyed watching the other performances at the show. 
Mrs Farthing and Mrs Rimmer were extremely proud of everyone’s dancing ability, attitude and behaviour while out at this event.
We are now watching all of the dance club carefully to select children for a dance at the Hippodrome for Darlington’s Dance Festival.

Amazing Science Experiments

Posted December 11th, 2019

As part of our fantastic Science topic Let’s Recycle, we have been carrying out some exciting and unusual Science experiments using recycled objects. First, we made Flying Owls by making cone shaped owls and placing them on top of different sized milk bottles. We loved when they flew into the air.
Matthew “The fiddly bit was making the cone”
Alfie “It was hard to cut the feet out because they were small.”

​Liam “The air in the bottle made the owl fly into the air.”
Ava “The air pushed the owl into the air”
Sophie “A little bottle just pushed the owl a little bit in the sky. The bigger one made it bigger in the sky”
Shreyan “We clapped onto the bottle to make it fly”

Amazing Egyptians!

Posted December 10th, 2019

​Over the past 2 weeks, we have been practising and rehearsing our year group assembly. On Wednesday, we confidently performed to our parents, family members and Key Stage 2 children. We have had a lot of fun learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Our assembly included: interesting facts about them; detailed explanations on how to mummify a body; songs and facts about their life and stories about different Pharaohs. We really enjoyed sharing all the facts we have learned during our Egyptian topic. 

Inclusive Ice Festival

Posted December 6th, 2019

​Children had great fun today taking part in the Inclusive Ice Festival at Billingham Forum. Throughout the morning the children had the chance to experience what it felt like to have fun on the ice with both skates and normal shoes. The use of penguins provided the children with the confidence to engage in all of the activities. The children particularly enjoyed the sledges. The morning finished with an appearance from Santa

The Oriental Museum

Posted December 6th, 2019

​This term we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. We have recently had the opportunity to visit the Oriental Museum in Durham. Whilst we were there, we took part in different activities, including handling and sketching different artefacts from Ancient Egypt, cracking Hieroglyphic codes and dressing up in Egyptian clothing! Each class attended a ‘Weighing of the Hearts Ceremony’ where we learnt how to mummify a Pharaoh. We each got to play the role of Egyptian Gods and decide the fate of the Pharaoh. We even got to see a real-life sarcophagus and a 2000-year-old mummy in the museum!

Waterstones Visit and Cornmill Christmas trail

Posted December 5th, 2019

​Year 4 are learning about Christmas around the world. As part of our topic, we visited Waterstones to learn how Christmas is celebrated in many different countries. We found out many interesting facts about different countries and learnt how to say Merry Christmas in 8 different languages!
Do you know Christmas dinner in Jamaica is barbecued goat, in Mexico children go knocking on doors for treats and presents and in Kenya Santa delivers presents in a red Land Rover!
Mrs Finlay also read us a fabulous Christmas story called The Smelly Sprout. This is a story about a sprout nobody wanted to eat! When the mum and dad were making Christmas dinner, the smelly sprout fell out of the vegetable basket and mum threw it out of the window. He felt lonely until a mouse found him. The two friends were attacked by the fox. The fox tried to eat the mouse but sprout jumped into the fox’s mouth to save his friend. Finally, the fox spit the sprout out as he didn’t like it but the mouse was kind and ate him as he was hungry.
 A lady from Waterstones also read 4S (the well-known story) The Night before Christmas.
Each group also completed a trail around the Cornmill Shopping Centre. We had questions to answer about different objects in the shop windows and we also had lots of maths questions to solve too.  We looked at how Christmas is celebrated in Darlington – our town.
“The trip was fun and exciting. I enjoyed the Christmas trail because we had to answer questions and we got to explore the Cornmill and look in shop windows for the answers. I love shopping!” Maizey Y4
“I loved the Waterstones part because we got to look at all the books and heard a fabulous story. I was shocked to find out that they also sold toys, bags, glasses cases and lots of Harry Potter things.” Chloe Y4

Water in other countries Global Goal 6 – Clean Water

Posted November 25th, 2019

​The children compared clean and dirty water. They voted to see which they would prefer to drink. The majority of children decided the clean water would be best. The children could not believe that some people have to drink dirty water.
Sam said, “I would not want to drink that dirty water. It looks disgusting! It will make you poorly.”
The children watched a video. They discovered that not everyone has access to clean running water like we do. They saw people walking a long way, carrying their water in buckets.
To try and understand how that would make them feel, they went on to the playground and carried water in buckets to fill the water tray.
Bess said, “I am tired now.”
Lilee added, “My arms are aching!”
Jacob said, “I would not want to have to do this every day!”