Church Visit

Posted November 25th, 2019

World Children’s Day Global Goal 4 – Quality Education

Posted November 25th, 2019

​The children were shocked to discover that some children do not receive the opportunity to go to school and instead they go to work.
Half of the children were given jobs to do whilst the other half got to go about their normal, school routines.
As Emily was cleaning the tables she said, “This isn’t fair!”
Demi added, “I am sad. I want to play like the others.”
The children all decided that they were very lucky to be able to come to school where they get to learn and play with lots of nice resources. They all felt sad at the thought of some children missing out. 

Durham University Campus – Boccia Competition

Posted November 21st, 2019

A group of seven KS2 children took part in a regional Boccia competition, competing against other junior and secondary schools. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and received certificates .The children from Reid Street had never participated in this sport but played exceptionally well and learnt new skills.

Fire Safety

Posted November 20th, 2019

​On Wednesday 23 rd   October we learnt about staying safe around fire. The lady who came in told us that fire can be very dangerous when children are near it. We learnt that children that are 10 or older can have a criminal record if they are involved in a small or big fire even if they did not light it.
We watched a little clip about a group of children who got bored and decided to light a fire but when the child came home, the fire had spread into the house. It was lucky that the fire crew had reached the situation and rescued his parents. Unfortunately, the child’s beloved dog had sadly died.
This taught us that whatever happens, even if we get bored, that we should never start a fire or say to light one because it could end in a dangerous way and we could lose someone or something we love. This made us more aware about fire and reminded us that we should never play with fire, lighters or matches.
The lady said that if we ever see somebody about to light a fire when it is unnecessary that we should tell an adult or a carer who is capable of knowing what to do next urgently. If there was no adult about we should tell them not to do it because it could have disastrous consequences or the person who lit the fire could have serious injuries or even die.
This assembly taught us how to be safe near fire and that we should thank and respect our fire crew.

The Great Fire

Posted November 18th, 2019

​Today marked the end of our Great Fire of London Topic. This morning we performed our assembly to our parents and families before we recreated the Great Fire in our very own playground. We designed houses using boxes and decorated them to look like houses from 1666. We used materials like wood and straw in our designs. We then put all of our houses together to make a replica of how a typical London street may have looked in 1666. We have learned that in 1666, a small fire started in one building and quickly spread across London. Miss Peverell lit one of the houses in our street and we watched in amazement as our houses quickly went up in flames!
‘I couldn’t believe how big the flames were!’ – Sebei
‘It was a bit scary but when it went out I wanted to watch it again!’ – Ava

Stay and Play

Posted November 13th, 2019

A fun filled afternoon was had by all in Reception on Friday. It was the first Stay and Play Session. During the afternoon parents joined in with active learning including counting to twenty with Jack Hartman and Squiggle while you wiggle. The children loved sharing activities in the classroom with their parents and displaying their newly learned skills. There was some very competitive splatting of numbers, super painting in repeating patterns to make fish and word building with balls in the sand amongst many other activities.
All the feedback from parents was extremely positive including:
“I really enjoyed seeing the different ways of teaching sounds and numbers. My son has learnt so much and we can now try new games at home.”
We are looking forward to the next Stay and Play in the Spring Term.

Under the sea lycra fun

Posted November 13th, 2019

​To begin the new topic ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ Foundation Stage had great fun exploring sea creatures using the blue lycra fabric. Everyone had to hold on tight and stretch the lycra at first, then we explored and named different creatures that moved around on the fabric as if in the sea. Next some children crawled under the fabric to search for creatures. Finally we pulled it really tight and then let go! Lots of great fun that everyone could join in.

The Mayor’s Parlour

Posted November 13th, 2019

​On Monday, we visited the Mayor’s Parlour in Darlington. This was a wonderful opportunity to meet the Mayor of Darlington and have a tour of the Town Hall and the Parlour. We had the opportunity to ask the Mayor questions and discuss his role as Mayor. When we returned to school, we wrote a letter to the Mayor as part of the ‘Junior Mayor for the Day’ competition. We hope that someone from year 6 might win and get the opportunity to be Junior Mayor for the day!

Remembrance Poppies

Posted November 13th, 2019

Today after our Remembrance Assembly with the Mayor, we learnt more about why we wear poppies and why November 11th is such an important day. We painted simple yet beautiful water colour poppies.

Gifted and Talented Maths Event at the Life Centre

Posted November 11th, 2019

​On Thursday 7th November, 3 children from year 6 attended the Life Centre in Newcastle to complete a range of different challenges involving maths. Firstly, we worked with a range of different children, from three different schools, to solve a range of mathematical problems. They were really tricky and involved a lot of thinking. During the session, as a group, we discussed the importance of making mistakes and learning from them to help develop different methods of solving a problem. After this, we spent time in the Planetarium learning about how to find different constellations and how we can use this information to help work out the time and the longitudinal and latitudinal lines to find a location. After lunch, we investigated the Space section of the centre, solving maths problems as we went. Finally, one of our favourite parts of the trip, was learning about different card tricks, using our mathematical knowledge.
The children behaved impeccably and were a credit to the school. A thoroughly enjoyable day.