DT Making Fire Engines

Posted October 24th, 2019

​As part of our Great Fire of London topic, we have been learning about fire safety. We have been making moving fire engines but our first ones weren’t very good. 
​We learnt from our mistakes and had another try. What a difference!

Keep Surprises Not Secrets

Posted October 24th, 2019

​In Year 2, we have been learning about parts of our body. We reminded the children of the different ways our body can tell us that we are in danger.  Children said that they might feel sick, get goose bumps, shake or their heart might beat faster.  They also talked about needing to scream or cry.
Moyo “You might feel uneasy if you were in your house in the dark.”
Darryl “You might feel worried and uneasy if someone tried to hurt you.”
Toby “When Miss Peverell was in the dark and she thought someone was in her house, she felt her heart was beating like a drum. She got goose bumps. It was only her cat though.”
Alice “I might feel uneasy if I was on my own.”
Clara “Sirens and alarms are signs of danger. They make me feel uneasy.”
​Next we shared their ideas about what secrets were.  A shared definition was that a secret was something somebody had told you but said that you couldn’t tell anybody else.  Pupils recognised that some secrets were not good.  They confidently sorted and talked about which secrets were good/bad and why. They knew that they should not keep secrets, only surprises.  We talked about surprises only being a secret of a little while.  All pupils talked confidently about this subject.  They knew what to do if they had been asked to keep a bad secret and they knew who they could talk to.
Clara “A secret is something that is just for you and you don’t want anyone to know.”
Ivy “It is better to tell someone if you don’t like the secret and then they can help you.”

Monday 21st October – Computing Unit 1:1 – We are Treasure Hunters!

Posted October 24th, 2019

​ Today, working in small groups, the pupils were set a challenge of deciding what instructions they needed to follow from their starting point to the treasure. They could only use the words forwards, backwards, left or right! The children then recorded their instructions and all together we checked if their instructions worked (one being the programmer and the other being the robot-pirate). 
​The children then worked in pairs to record their own instructions, moving a counter from the starting position to the final position on their treasure map.

Tuesday 22nd October

Posted October 24th, 2019

​The children had time in the computer suite to experiment with giving directions to each other. They helped Charlie Chimp deliver an invitation. 
​Next the children were introduced to a programmable toy. They were challenged to send it from one child to another. They found out that moving forward did not turn the toy and realised they needed to think about their left and right. Leah predicted that the toy needed to move forward ten times. Super guess! 
​Their final challenge was to go back to their tables and manoeuvre their programmable toy from one end of the table to the other. To make it tricky they had an obstacle to go around. 
​Oh no! Once it was programmed there was no stopping it! 

Teeth – Monday 21st October

Posted October 22nd, 2019

Today, we had a visit from the school nurse who gave us information about looking after our teeth and why we need to take care of them. 
We were all amazing at answering questions about the names of our teeth and their jobs within the mouth.  We learnt a rhyme to help us think about cleaning our teeth which is ‘outside, inside, bumpy and flick’.
Next, we looked at different products and had to predict how much sugar, in teaspoons, was in each of these.

Lucozade = 12 teaspoons
Mars Bar = 8 ½ teaspoons
Coke 7 ½ teaspoons
Packet of Polos = 7 ½ teaspoons
A tin of baked beans = 5 teaspoons
One tablespoon of tomato sauce = 1 ½ teaspoons

​Wow! We were amazed by some of these results.
I wonder if anyone can remember the recommendation of how many teaspoons of added sugar children our age should have per day?

​Finally, we finished the afternoon making toothpaste in our Science lesson.  We talked about the necessary properties to include and then made our toothpaste in groups.  We then tested different types of toothpastes to decide which was the most effective.

BOOK FAIR   14th and 15th October 2019

Posted October 18th, 2019

​We held our Autumn Book Fair this month which proved to be very successful.  Thank you to all the parents and carers who brought their children along and supported this event, your generosity has helped the school to earn £334 in rewards allowing us to buy new books for our reading shelves.  Pupils always get very excited when the book fair is in school and it is lovely to watch them as they enjoy looking at all the new books on offer.

Fruit Salad

Posted October 17th, 2019

​After listening to the stories ‘Oliver’s Fruit Salad’ and ‘Handa’s Surprise’, the children were exited to learn that they were making their own fruit salad. They learned the names of a variety of fruit, discussed where fruits grow and had the opportunity to taste nectarine and water melon. Most children thought the fruits were delicious!
Before making the fruit salad the children washed their hands.
Frankie said, “We don’t want germs going on our food or we will be sick.”
Next the children thought about how to stay safe whilst using tools such as a knives and peelers.
Stephen said, “They’re sharp.”
Bess added, “We don’t want to cut ourselves so we have to use them carefully.”
The children could not wait to share their fruit salad with their grown-ups! 

Rotary Club Visit

Posted October 14th, 2019

​Some members of Darlington’s Rotary Club came into school to meet the Pupil Voice children.  The people we met are in charge of Darlington Rotary Club. We will be working with the President and the community leader Nigel and Kevin who are on the photograph. We all talked about how we can help improve the environment.
They told us about the roles we could apply for. We will need for Rota Kids: The President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The President is someone who is in charge of everything. For example, they organise the meetings and will have to be confident because they will do a lot of talking in front of the whole school. The Vice President is the deputy and you are second in command and you take notes and create the agenda.
Last but not least -The Treasurer! The Treasurer is in charge of the money – you control all of it. You are the finance manager. They also collect the money for the charities.
Everyone who wants to be a leading role can apply for the position and must complete an application form.
Charities so far!
We also talked about collecting the crisp packets and what we’re going to do with them. We are going to send these to the Air Ambulance in Kent, where they going to make blankets out of the crisp packets. So, we need you to collect crisp packets and bring them into school to support us.
Next, we have discussed about sending glasses over sea to countries that don’t have a lot of money and need glasses for reading and to see. Out of the 20, 6 of us wear glasses including Mrs Davison.
We are very excited with our new roles.
Will B Y6 

Hand washing

Posted October 14th, 2019

​The children discussed why it is important to wash our hands.
Jacob said, “You get germs on your hands if you do not wash them and then you will be poorly.”
The children then thought about when we need to wash our hands.
Emily said, “After you have been to the toilet.”
Sofia said, “Before you have your snack.”
Sam said, “After we have touched animals.”
We discussed not being able to see germs on our hands. The children then practised washing their hands using soap. We also practised using the antibacterial hand gel.

Year 2 Multi-Skills Festival

Posted October 14th, 2019

​On Wednesday, a group of Year 2 pupils attended a Multi-Skills festival at Eastbourne Sports Complex. The children took part in various 10 minute games in small teams and individually. The games were so much fun and we can’t wait to try some of the ideas on the Key Stage 1 playground.