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Curriculum Statement for PE

The PE progression documents have been created to ensure that incremental, progressive steps are taught over time to enable pupils to meet the end of Key Stage Attainment Targets of the National Curriculum whilst also providing a much broader, richer curriculum offer than these assessment statements cover. The learning steps are sequenced in a spiral curriculum through each year group, with opportunities to recap and embed previous learning – this ensures that knowledge and expertise is retained and built upon, making learning ‘sticky’. Both subject specific vocabulary (Tier 3) and non-subject specific vocabulary (Tier 2) have been built into the progression document; this is to ensure that children understand vocabulary within context, but also to embed vocabulary across the curriculum.

Progression Documents

Progression of skills (Athletics):

Progression of skills (Dance):

Progression of skills (Games):

Progression of skills (Gymnastics):

Progression of skills (QAA):

National Curriculum Statement